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the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind

Highlighted phrases


The eternally deferred eschatologies of the left are consigned to the white trash-can of the future and leave a present tense with synthetic possibilities

—p.329 Swarmachines (321) missing author
7 years ago

Traditionally, eschatology has taken the form of an expectation of the future transcendence of the human condition for all mankind in exorably advancing history

—p.262 Psychoanalysis and Norman O. Brown's Life Against Death (256) by Susan Sontag
7 years, 1 month ago

lose any sense of eschatology, thus of teleology

—p.51 Fictional Futures and the Conspicuously Young (37) by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 4 months ago

The eschatological theme of the game bleeds into the reality, just as the boundaries of the map are blurred

on Eschaton

—p.46 A Blasted Region: David Foster Wallace's Man-made Landscapes (37) by Graham Foster
7 years, 4 months ago

Referring at once to the persistence of eschatological discourse despite the failure of the prophesied apocalypse ever to arrive

—p.86 "Then Out of the Rubble": David Foster Wallace's Early Fiction (85) by Bradley J. Fest
7 years, 7 months ago

followed the eschatological vision of Karl Marx

on the Bolsheviks in 1917

—p.106 What Communism Was (99) by Georgi Derluguian
7 years, 5 months ago

eschatological You-Are-There accounts of what it's like to be Bombed

—p.68 by Douglas Coupland
7 years, 3 months ago

That said, Schopenhauer’s eschatology, which Horkheimer shared, is not Marx’s. For Schopenhauer, there is no ultimate redemption, no punishment, no heaven, be it on or beyond Earth. There is, rather, pointlessness on a cosmic scale

—p.41 Part I: 1900-1920 (13) by Stuart Jeffries
7 years, 1 month ago

V&V's NoCoat campaign was a case-study in the eschatology of emotional appeals. It towered, a kind of Überad, casting a shaggy shadow back across a whole century of broadcast persuasion.

—p.414 by David Foster Wallace
6 years, 9 months ago

Ivan Karamazov's howl of anguish can be directed at the atheist architects of the radiant city as much as at God, since what can any revolutionary eschatology, no matter how glorious, do about the agonies of those who are long dead?

—p.95 Atwood's Anti-Capitalism (93) by Mark Fisher
5 years, 10 months ago

Where innovation is a theory of rebirth, we can think of disruption as an eschatology: an economic theology of the end of things

i like this

—p.68 Disruption (65) by John Patrick Leary
4 years, 11 months ago

directing the enthusiasms of Orthodoxy against ‘Christ-killers’, fever dreams of blood-drinking Jews, icons and eschatology and mysticism in the service of depravity

on the Black Hundreds

—p.21 The Prehistory of 1917 (5) by China Miéville
7 years, 1 month ago

There are those for whom such apophatic Marxist eschatology is dereliction.

—p.132 Silence in Debris: Towards an Apophatic Marxism (115) by China Miéville
5 years, 11 months ago

We experience the breach and inrush of monstrous apocalypse with a vivid affect. The horror of an end; a relief; a prurience; car-crash fascination on eschatological scale

—p.101 Notes on Walls (99) by China Miéville
2 months, 4 weeks ago

the heavy eschatological issues that lie just below the surface of religion are simply too icky and troublesome to think about

—p.267 Blind Secularism (264) by Neal Stephenson
7 years, 4 months ago

Bunin, a spry old gentleman, with a rich and unchaste vocabulary, was puzzled by my irresponsiveness to the hazel grouse of which I had had enough in my childhood and exasperated by my refusal to discuss eschatological matters

—p.286 by Vladimir Nabokov
5 years, 1 month ago

This end of History is essentially a Christian eschatology.

—p.76 Conjuring--Marxism (61) by Jacques Derrida
7 years ago

We must discern here between eschatology and teleology, even if the stakes of such a difference risk constantly being effaced in the most fragile and slight insubstantiality

—p.45 Injunctions of Marx (1) by Jacques Derrida
7 years ago

the eschatological themes of the "end of history," of the "end of Marxism," of the "end of philosophy," of the "ends of man," of the "last man" and so forth

—p.16 Injunctions of Marx (1) by Jacques Derrida
7 years ago

debt names something basic to the experience of social being as a dimension of historicity, even in its most eschatological form

footnote 7

—p.147 Chapter 6: The Magic of Debt; or, Reading Marx Like a Child (137) by Richard Dienst
7 years, 2 months ago

the idea that the boy may be the last god--an eschatological plot that is a kind of more philosophical version of The Terminator

—p.60 Cormac McCarthy's The Road (50) by James Wood
7 years, 2 months ago

Into her plot of domestic eschatology enters a vague series of intrigues

—p.146 Book Reviews (141) missing author
7 years, 1 month ago

The general mood is eschatological. We parade the world's end before our closed eyes.

on the average person's tendency to worry

—p.7 Heads (5) by Adam S. Miller
7 years, 4 months ago

It is also one of those that most clearly affirm the eschatological postulate of an ‘end of politics’, at the cost of profound obscurity as regards the notion of power (and, consequently, the state)

on the Communist Manifesto

—p.162 Appendix: The End of Politics or Politics without End? Marx and the Aporia of ‘Communist Politics’ (159) by Étienne Balibar
7 years, 1 month ago

The news is only vaguely less eschatological

—p.165 Phone calls from the apocalypse (163) by Jordan Kisner
3 years, 8 months ago

rejection of the eschatological notion of the Future which Marxism inherited from the Christian tradition

—p.128 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 2 months ago

Turing's humor also provides a destination, or an eschatology that the Invisible Hand's humor lacks. Turing's algorithms could inherit the world in a way that the Hand could not.

—p.128 Third Interlude: Modernity Conceives the Future (123) by Jaron Lanier
7 years ago

catastrophic climate change. A millennial eschatology has returned, taking the place of false positivism and pseudo-rational prognoses

—p.2 Now Less Than Never (1) missing author
4 years, 10 months ago