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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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(noun) a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested / (noun) temporary inactivity; suspension

Highlighted phrases


a bold measure in principal which is left permanently in abeyance in practice

—p.249 Appendix: A Modest Proposal (249) by Yanis Varoufakis
6 years, 11 months ago

So long as the situation regarding removal was in abeyance, we had not been able to proceed with many of our pretrial motions

—p.312 Walls (281) by Angela Y. Davis
4 years, 9 months ago

with unions in abeyance, utilities and railways denationalized

—p.17 Capitalism and the Real (16) by Mark Fisher
6 years, 11 months ago

looking for something, yes, abeyant treasure – the bedrock of himself in other words


—p.67 by Claire-Louise Bennett
1 year, 5 months ago

class struggle fell into abeyance

—p.311 What Kind of Day Did You Have? (282) by Saul Bellow
4 years, 7 months ago

Through cinema, his films tell us, time can be held in abeyance for a moment

—p.216 Goodbye, Dragon Inn (1) by Nick Pinkerton
1 year ago

I am in a state of cowed abeyance, like someone who has been whipped—or laid low after pride.

—p.675 1951–1962: Living Between the United States and Europe (503) by Patricia Highsmith
1 year, 9 months ago

we create ourselves and find our way in the world in the abeyance between fantasy and self-actualization, Hamlet's interregnum, we might call it

—p.181 Conclusion: Revenge fantasy or avenging imaginary? (177) by Max Haiven
3 years, 6 months ago

the mind putting the 'understanding' into abeyance

—p.11 Introduction (1) by James Wood
3 years, 7 months ago

States can also choose to create enclaves where laws and regulations are held in abeyance, ostensibly to spur commerce.

—p.108 Chapter 3 – Palimpsests of Law and Corporate Sovereigns (87) by Laleh Khalili
5 months ago

But laws and regulations held in abeyance – as they are in free zones or special economic zones that so often flank ports – are also crucial in creating the pulsating economic macro-organisms that port systems are today

—p.7 Introduction (1) by Laleh Khalili
5 months ago

wellness an illusory Eden where death is held in permanent abeyance

love it

—p.49 Susan Sontag as Metaphor (44) by Dale Peck
3 years ago

the mind putting 'understanding' into abeyance

—p.84 Using Everything (61) by James Wood
6 years, 10 months ago

However, this project remained in abeyance, partly on account of its intrinsic aporias and partly because this was not the main problem to be confronted

—p.109 Time and Progress: Another Philosophy of History? (80) by Étienne Balibar
6 years, 10 months ago

Her tongue, as yet, was held in abeyance

—p.103 Nine: the bathroom (91) by Martin Amis
1 year ago

they stood side by side, sustaining a perilous abeyance between them, and weighing the room before them in the balance

—p.656 PART II (279) by William Gaddis
1 year, 8 months ago

fearing its confirmation of everything he imagined the darkness to hold in abeyance as he pulled a coat round him and shivered

—p.843 PART III (721) by William Gaddis
1 year, 8 months ago

held in abeyance while the passion plays itself out

—p.14 by Vivian Gornick
3 years, 6 months ago