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an ancient religious movement that has to do with duality? "an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness"

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capitalism itself was described in a Manichean manner: on one side the positive pole, the proletariat, the liberating class; on the other side the positive pole, capital

—p.146 Decline of the Capitalist Mode of Production or Decline of Humanity? (131) by Jacques Camatte
7 years ago

Pirsig's work is, like so much of classic American literature, Manichaean.

formed of dualities

—p.144 Uneasy Rider (142) by George Steiner
7 years, 5 months ago

BUT JESUS WAS NOT the only Christ. Manichaeism teaches that the world is divisible into spiritual light and material darkness, making it fairly evident which to reject

—p.550 A (Short) History (509) by Joshua Cohen
1 year, 2 months ago

because it works by implementing Manichaeistic strategy

—p.149 by Percival Everett
1 year, 6 months ago

Gordon calls this piece Between Darkness and Light (After William Blake), and it’s hard to imagine a more Manichaean bill. It’s a Hollywood vision of Catholic good and evil

—p.247 Part III: Notes Toward a Syllabus (191) by J. Hoberman
3 years, 3 months ago

we must defend a Manichaean, antagonistic form of Evil, a form of genius, a form of the reversibility of each

—p.122 by Jean Baudrillard
6 years, 10 months ago

under capitalism, it is essentially driven and shaped by what Karl Polanyi has characterized as an almost Manichaean battle between a ‘movement’ towards liberalization and ‘counter-movements’ for social stabilization, or for collective political control over markets and the direction of social change

on politics

—p.208 How to Study Contemporary Capitalism? (201) by Wolfgang Streeck
7 years, 1 month ago

Pace Wallerstein, the final Manichaean battle between Davos and Porto Alegre is not about to happen in the foreseeable future

—p.36 Introduction (1) by Wolfgang Streeck
7 years, 1 month ago

fantasy's pathetically imbecilic manichean oppositions between Good and Evil, Us and (a foreign, contagious) Them are effective on the largest possible geopolitical stage.

—p.130 This Movie Doesn't Move Me (127) by Mark Fisher
5 years, 10 months ago

it is a sort of Manichaean melee, cast under the eyes of a third Onlooker

—p.40 Martians (38) by Roland Barthes
7 years, 4 months ago

since reality is never Manichean enough, fables have to do the requisite ideological heavy lifting

—p.41 The Long Con: Mail-Order Conservatism (23) by Rick Perlstein
5 years, 11 months ago

The Manichaean opposition between Good and Evil lay at their foundation: Evil would be wiped away, eradicated, and replaced by Good

—p.34 by Byung-Chul Han
5 years, 4 months ago

it is through such a 'Manichean' violence, symmetrical to the enemy's violence, that the oppressed achieve the awareness of their own strength.

—p.146 Melancholy Images, from Left Wing Melancholia: Marxis, History and Memory (137) missing author
5 years, 10 months ago

Marxist convergence with the negative theology of hell, as well as of Heaven, is not Manichean: it is apophatic precisely in that it abjures any secularised symmetry of Good and Evil, for social totality.

—p.138 Silence in Debris: Towards an Apophatic Marxism (115) by China Miéville
5 years, 11 months ago

Sonora Review DFW Tribute
by multiple authors

Sonora Review DFW Tribute
by multiple authors

Sonora Review DFW Tribute
by multiple authors

(I still stand by that judgment, though not with nearly the same Manichean fervor)

asserting that the ETA parts of IJ aren't as good as the Don Gately parts

—p.17 An Interview with Tom Bissell (13) by Tom Bissell
7 years, 2 months ago

This Manichean view fits nicely with our already existing assumptions

on TI's corruption report (rich countries do well, poor countries do badly)

—p.222 Seven (220) by Jason Hickel
6 years, 11 months ago

various dualisms, like Gnosticism and Manichaeism--wherein God is opposed by and does battle with a separate, satanic source of evil, or is rivalled by a false god, a demiurge

—p.138 Robert Alter and the King James Bible (128) by James Wood
7 years, 2 months ago

From both it took over the almost-Manichaean sense of guilt at man’s depravity.

—p.370 The Transforming Power of the Cross (350) by E.P. Thompson
1 week, 6 days ago

This is a very peculiar form of heresy. It's a form of Manichaeanism. And I call myself a Manichaean, a rather baffled Manichaean

—p.60 The Art of Criticism No. 2 (42) by George Steiner
1 year, 3 months ago

The collaboration of Friedrich Engels (1820–85) with Marx over forty years rules out any Manichean distinctions (e.g. between Marx the ‘good dialectician’ and Engels the ‘bad materialist’)

—p.109 Time and Progress: Another Philosophy of History? (80) by Étienne Balibar
7 years, 1 month ago

The Point Issue 14
by multiple authors

The Point Issue 14
by multiple authors

The Point Issue 14
by multiple authors

Manichean satire and incredible outrage

—p.7 On Satire (5) missing author
6 years, 11 months ago

When the enemy is separated from you by a barrier of fire, you have to judge him as a whole, as the incarnation of evil; all war is a form of Manicheism.

—p.54 For Whom Does One Write? (50) by Jean-Paul Sartre
7 years ago

The usual Manichaean portrayal of the digital world is "new versus old". Crowdsourcing is "new," for instance, while salaries and pensions are "old." This book proposes pushing what is "new" all the way instead of part of the way.

except he doesn't ... not all the way ...

—p.20 A Simple Idea (19) by Jaron Lanier
7 years ago