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Plunder in the 21st Century


good explanation of trade misinvoicing (p224-225): basically the corporation in the poorer nation pretends to be paying more for goods and services than it really is (thus lowering taxable amount), but instead of that money going to a legitimate supplier it just gets stashed in a tax haven. In 2013, it accounted for $879 billion (80% of "illicit outflaws" from developing countries). trade mispricing is a subset of this (when prices reported on an invoice are much higher than they should be acc to the market), but in 1994 the WTO ruled that customs officials have to accept the prices at face value (when previously they have been able to dispute them)

Hickel, J. (2017). Seven. In Hickel, J. The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions. William Heinemann, pp. 220-252

an ancient religious movement that has to do with duality? "an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness"


This Manichean view fits nicely with our already existing assumptions

on TI's corruption report (rich countries do well, poor countries do badly)

—p.222 by Jason Hickel
7 years, 4 months ago

This Manichean view fits nicely with our already existing assumptions

on TI's corruption report (rich countries do well, poor countries do badly)

—p.222 by Jason Hickel
7 years, 4 months ago

One of the problems with TI's methodology is that it measures people's perceptions of corruption, rather than corruption itself. People who live in Britain may not normally think of their country as being particularly corrupt, but that may be because corruption is something that they have been taught to associate with countries in the developing world--not with the rich world. In this case, Transparency International might be helping to create the very perceptions that it seeks to measure.

—p.231 by Jason Hickel 7 years, 4 months ago

One of the problems with TI's methodology is that it measures people's perceptions of corruption, rather than corruption itself. People who live in Britain may not normally think of their country as being particularly corrupt, but that may be because corruption is something that they have been taught to associate with countries in the developing world--not with the rich world. In this case, Transparency International might be helping to create the very perceptions that it seeks to measure.

—p.231 by Jason Hickel 7 years, 4 months ago

the buying or leasing of large pieces of land by domestic and transnational companies, governments, and individuals, esp following the 2007-2008 world food crisis


A land purchase qualifies as a grab when it entails a transfer of at least 500 acres to be converted from smallholder production, collective use or ecosystem services to commercial activity. Land grabs may provide abstract economic benefit--increasing GDP, for instance

—p.234 by Jason Hickel
7 years, 4 months ago

A land purchase qualifies as a grab when it entails a transfer of at least 500 acres to be converted from smallholder production, collective use or ecosystem services to commercial activity. Land grabs may provide abstract economic benefit--increasing GDP, for instance

—p.234 by Jason Hickel
7 years, 4 months ago