Discovering the tiny interstices of the complex banking network that no one else thought much about.
In the interstices of economic decline there had arisen unprecedented levels of poverty
Software dwindles into the interstices of fine-grained syntheses of gestures, laws, property, habits, images, machines, networks, infrastructures and devices.
These interstices where Wallace scholarship can find something like the new voices we are being told it so desperately needs?
However continually he was suffering in his last summer, there was still plenty of time, in the interstices between his identically painful thoughts, to entertain the idea of suicide
There is scarcely any living memory of boredom. This is why it can superimpose itself on all kinds of activities, even exciting ones, since it lives in the interstices.
my lone interstice a trans-cultural spice of encouragement
he adopts a gradualist “metamorphosis” framework and places considerable weight on the eclectic development of “interstitial alternatives” that grow in the cracks of capitalism — “real utopias” that can eventually spread to capitalism’s core
on Erik Olin Wright
Trading nations, properly so called, exist in the ancient world only in its interstices
government fills the interstices left by these prime decisions.
by now the penetration of technology into the interstices of human existence has become nearly complete. And the code that surrounds us is closed to public view: opaque, inescapable.
Magical Marxism [...] lodges itself somewhere within the interstices of a liberated time and liberated space, between the right to free time and the right to free space
Experiments in other modes of life are being explored within this new community, in the interstices of a society
Here in this place where she had so often hidden it was not the memories of school that flooded in but the interstitial times, the daylong flights to and from.
it took root like a lingering disease in the interstices of its victims' lives
Options had been traded for centuries, but typically in only an informal, semi-organized way—in the interstices or on the peripheries of mainstream financial markets
visits in the interstices of your life
in the no-man’s-land between its territory and the next, the blank stretches of the map, those interstitial zones where light, bending and kinking round impossible topographies, produces mirages
a revealing interstice in the early eighties
am i ever going to learn how to pronounce this word?
It is a mistake to imagine these dhows as remnants or residues of ‘traditional’ trade; their business has flourished alongside, in the interstices of, and because of the more global, large-scale, and mechanised trade of container ships and modern bulk carriers.
Capitalism did not supplant feudalism by way of some neat revolutionary transformation resting on the forces mobilised within only one of these spheres. It had to grow within the interstices of the old society and supplant it bit by bit
The internet has moved seamlessly into the interstices of this situation, redistributing our minimum of free time into unsatisfying micro-installments