calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation
but I could see how you wouldn’t want these two stolid chairs crowding the living room like judgmental parents.
HORST CAN’T FIND the ice-cream flavor he really needs today and is showing signs of gathering impatience, alarming in one usually so stolid.
trying to pass as just another stolid example of Upper West Side apartment house
this outstanding reproduction of a hotel, stolid in its blockbound prewar glory, truly the architectural embodiment of everything the city surrounding it has always aspired to
up to 75,000 people took part in the uprising, mostly from the stolid Black working class
chewing stolidly
who comes to attend you and supply your want, stolidly, pleasantly, or with an independent air
watched her stolid figure cross the boulevard towards the cafes.
i always think it means stout but i dont think it does
In Nabokov’s brightly mournful late novella Transparent Things (1972), flighty Julia takes the stolid hero, Hugh Person, to the avant-garde play that everyone is talking about
caught a rise and fall of yellow skirting another stolid mass of blue toward the elevators
the chairman's legendary walrus mustache: its tremendous stolidity
why they had allowed him to accept failure so stolidly at an age when most men are still struggling
the stolid enablers who shelter rapists and provide cover to sexual abusers
They had a maid, a middle-aged Mexican woman with a stolid face who came in for two hours every morning and put the place together just long enough for Elena to scatter it again.
As the stolid rugby players do not, these victims seem to be looking at us
Biographies were stolidly installed around the room, each of them as heavy as a cinder block.
Mr. Inononu stood a stolid five feet and four inches from the ground
The man whom she had loved for his mute omniscience, stolid coarseness, grim perseverance in work, had stolen away.…
A stolid girl smiled uncertainly as she held the light-blinded eye of the reflector
During the day, life stood stolid, gray and oblivious. But at night, heaven came in the cracks.
Literature, which had set itself up in order to bring theory to the unwashed undergraduates, in contradistinction to the English department, which was standing stolidly for reading the texts
cute. Caleb Crain
though this might make them sound virtuous but stolid, like dutiful commentaries on a certain kind of stereo-typically English reserve. In fact, despite their pace, they are not stolid