(of a seal or closure) complete and airtight
Contemporary writers and other artists with a style that is intricate, hermetic, demanding--not to speak to "beautiful"--get their ration of unstinting praise.
hermetic, enclosed, and self-referencing fictional structures
quoting Marshall Boswell (Understanding DFW I think?)
its hermetic vision of human psychology and conversation, its endearingly transparent wish-fulfillment aspects
on the twilight films
Marxists now produced hermetic knowledge, inaccessible to ordinary workers, about fields without any direct relationship to political strategy
the texts are hermetically sealed from history, subjected to a sterile critical formalism, piously swaddled with eternal verities and used to confirm prejudices
to seal off hermetically the frontiers of the intellect
The aim is to reveal the subterranean, subconscious mutual penetration of the personal and the political; the formal consequence is a highly personalized, almost hermetic form of collage
The Viguerie Company's marketing genius was that as it continued metastasizing, it remained, in financial terms, a hermetic positive feedback loop.
to deny that some excesses may be, indeed, accursed shares, potentially troublesome, embarrassments and autotelic reveries, would be left functionalism, granting capitalism a homeostatic hermetic smoothness it doesn’t warrant
I was attracted to my mistaken idea of mathematics, my naïve notions of certainty and absolutes, the hermetic world created by a language that seems to have little or not ambiguity.
a new hermetic jargon sprang up
To some of Bresson’s critics, both admirers and detractors, he is not only the consummate stylist but also the consummate oddball: morbid, hermetic, eccentric, obsessed with theological dilemmas in an age of social action.
hermetic stretches of row-house monotony