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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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the imperatives of capital valorization

—p.lviii Introduction (lv) by Wolfgang Streeck
8 years ago

This has the effect of pushing down interest rates but also of supporting the valorization of financial assets, and thereby increasing the wealth of the very richest

—p.141 The Workers Have No Europe (117) by Cédric Durand
6 years, 4 months ago

Our novelty is perhaps in tracing these problems back to a preference for immediacy – namely, the kernel of contemporary ‘folk politics’. (In fact, a better name for ‘folk politics’ might be ‘the politics of immediacy’.) It is this valorisation of immediacy – and the way in which it has become a common sense – that we see played out in various ways across the left, both in the explicit statement of political theorists and in the implicit assumptions of various practices.

—p.192 Afterword: Reinventing the Future (185) by Alex Williams, Nick Srnicek
7 years, 7 months ago

Production is the magical moment in which what Marx terms 'the valorisation' of capital occurs.

—p.11 The Visualisation of Capital as Value in Motion (1) missing author
7 years, 6 months ago

The incentives for money capital to skip investing in valorisation, particularly when the profit rate is low or labour relations troublesome, are multiple

—p.68 Money as the Representation of Value (51) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

It was left to Luxemburg, in her writing on primitive accumulation as an ongoing requirement of valorization

—p.23 Old Gods, New Enigmas: Notes on Revolutionary Agency (1) by Mike Davis
1 year, 4 months ago

guys wearing T-shirts of the tech companies they worked for, or that guy wearing ... cat ears? Cultures of permission valorized bad taste as liberation. Ecosystems needed predators. Yet San Francisco was nothing if not vegetarian.

kinda funny and not all that wrong

—p.64 by Tony Tulathimutte
7 years, 7 months ago

the materialist imperative of valorizing the ‘productive forces’ in the face of bourgeois hegemony and its intellectual forms

—p.155 Afterword: Philosophical Anthropology or Ontology of Relations? Exploring the Sixth Thesis on Feuerbach (123) by Étienne Balibar
7 years, 6 months ago

—p.205 by Michel Foucault
8 years ago

Ethics, III, 9 states that, fundamentally, it is in desire’s own investments that the valorisation of things originates

on Spinoza

—p.65 Joyful Auto-Mobiles (Employees: How To Pull Their Legs) (49) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 8 months ago

with the hope of crossing the critical threshold of the process of accumulation by self-sustaining valorisation

on capital

—p.19 Making Others Do Something (1) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 8 months ago