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(noun) a change or variation occurring in the course of something; successive, alternating, or changing phases or conditions, as of life or fortune; ups and downs


don't the recent vicissitudes of Muslim fundamentalism confirm Walter Benjamin's old insight that 'every rise of Fascism bears witness to a failed revolution'?

—p.101 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

don't the recent vicissitudes of Muslim fundamentalism confirm Walter Benjamin's old insight that 'every rise of Fascism bears witness to a failed revolution'?

—p.101 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of Hegel, his philosophy, or his dialectic method / (noun) a follower of Hegel; an adherent of Hegelianism


One should take a Hegelian step back and question the very measure from which fundamentalism appears in all its horror.

—p.101 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

One should take a Hegelian step back and question the very measure from which fundamentalism appears in all its horror.

—p.101 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

the philosophical attempt to describe things in terms of their apparent intrinsic purpose, directive principle, or goal, irrespective of human use or opinion


No wonder that genuine revolutionary moments are so rare: no teleology guarantees them; they hinge on whether there is a political agent able to seize a (contingent, unpredictable) opening.

—p.105 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

No wonder that genuine revolutionary moments are so rare: no teleology guarantees them; they hinge on whether there is a political agent able to seize a (contingent, unpredictable) opening.

—p.105 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

(noun) a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being / (noun) a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of things that have existence


it is also an 'ontological' struggle, a struggle which concerns the thing itself, a struggle that goes on in the very heart of the protests themselves

on protests in Egypt

—p.108 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

it is also an 'ontological' struggle, a struggle which concerns the thing itself, a struggle that goes on in the very heart of the protests themselves

on protests in Egypt

—p.108 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

(lit: nobody's thing) derived from private Roman law whereby res (an object in the legal sense, anything that can be owned, even a slave, but not a subject in law such as a citizen nor land) is not yet the object of rights of any specific subject


Global capitalism tends to reduce the commons to res nullius which in Roman law designates anything that can be owned [...] but which is not yet the object of the rights of any specific subject--such things are considered ownerless property, 'free to be owned'.

—p.110 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

Global capitalism tends to reduce the commons to res nullius which in Roman law designates anything that can be owned [...] but which is not yet the object of the rights of any specific subject--such things are considered ownerless property, 'free to be owned'.

—p.110 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

the postulate that markets are organised most effectively by private enterprise and that the private pursuit of accumulation will generate the most common good; accomplished by opening international markets and financial networks, and downsizing the welfare state


there is no analytic value in blaming neoliberalism for our particular woes: today's world order is a concrete totality within which specific situations ask for specific acts

in other words, maybe neoliberalism was inevitable (as a stage we must pass through) and now all we can do is try to move past it?

—p.111 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

there is no analytic value in blaming neoliberalism for our particular woes: today's world order is a concrete totality within which specific situations ask for specific acts

in other words, maybe neoliberalism was inevitable (as a stage we must pass through) and now all we can do is try to move past it?

—p.111 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind


rejection of the eschatological notion of the Future which Marxism inherited from the Christian tradition

—p.128 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

rejection of the eschatological notion of the Future which Marxism inherited from the Christian tradition

—p.128 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

produce (especially literary work) by long and intensive effort


the pure lawless Real resists symbolic grasp, so that we should always be aware that our attempts to conceptualize it are mere semblances, defensive elucubrations

—p.128 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

the pure lawless Real resists symbolic grasp, so that we should always be aware that our attempts to conceptualize it are mere semblances, defensive elucubrations

—p.128 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

a category of people within the Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries who held various key administrative positions in the bureaucracy running all spheres of those countries' activity


the most dangerous place to be at the time of the terrible 1930s purges in the Soviet Union was at the top of the nomenklatura

—p.134 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

the most dangerous place to be at the time of the terrible 1930s purges in the Soviet Union was at the top of the nomenklatura

—p.134 Prognosis (90) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

(noun) defensive wall


small Slavic nations were all looking towards Russia, the bulwark of reaction, for their liberation

not really sure what it means in this context

—p.165 Epignosis (143) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago

small Slavic nations were all looking towards Russia, the bulwark of reaction, for their liberation

not really sure what it means in this context

—p.165 Epignosis (143) by Slavoj Žižek
6 years, 8 months ago