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(noun) revenge / (noun) a usually political policy designed to recover lost territory or status


a new round of neo-conservative revanchist politics took hold against a backdrop of "get Osama Bin Laden"

—p.7 Introduction: The Circulation of Revolt - Real and Fictitious Marxism (1) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

a new round of neo-conservative revanchist politics took hold against a backdrop of "get Osama Bin Laden"

—p.7 Introduction: The Circulation of Revolt - Real and Fictitious Marxism (1) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

(noun) a painkilling drug or medicine

(adjective) complete in every detail; perfect / (adjective) extremely skilled and accomplished / (adjective) of the highest degree / (verb) finish complete / (verb) to make perfect / (verb) achieve / (verb) to make (marital union) complete by sexual intercourse / (verb) to become perfected

(noun) a freethinker especially in religious matters / (noun) a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality / (noun) one leading a dissolute life


Politics should be like poetry: something hot, the voice of hotness from the margins, libertine excess, anti-science, red-hot bubbling altermarxisme

—p.11 Introduction: The Circulation of Revolt - Real and Fictitious Marxism (1) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

Politics should be like poetry: something hot, the voice of hotness from the margins, libertine excess, anti-science, red-hot bubbling altermarxisme

—p.11 Introduction: The Circulation of Revolt - Real and Fictitious Marxism (1) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

(adjective) causing or tending to cause sleep / (adjective) tending to dull awareness or alertness / (adjective) of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy / (noun) a soporific agent / (noun) hypnotic

(noun) an intervening space


Magical Marxism [...] lodges itself somewhere within the interstices of a liberated time and liberated space, between the right to free time and the right to free space

—p.23 Introduction: The Circulation of Revolt - Real and Fictitious Marxism (1) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

Magical Marxism [...] lodges itself somewhere within the interstices of a liberated time and liberated space, between the right to free time and the right to free space

—p.23 Introduction: The Circulation of Revolt - Real and Fictitious Marxism (1) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

(verb) to break apart or in two; separate by or as if by violence or by intervening time or space / (verb) to become parted, disunited, or severed


what Marxists like Hollowoy tell us has been sundered: addressing the ontological separation between the doing and the done

—p.37 Living an Illusion: Beyond the Reality of Realism (24) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

what Marxists like Hollowoy tell us has been sundered: addressing the ontological separation between the doing and the done

—p.37 Living an Illusion: Beyond the Reality of Realism (24) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

(common Althusserian term) the process by which ideology, embodied in major social and political institutions (ideological & repressive state apparatuses), constitutes the very nature of individual subjects' identities through the process of "hailing" them in social interactions


All totalizing systems that interpellate individual subjects to coincide strictly with their chosen role as social beings always "expulse" a certain residue

—p.58 Subscribing to the Imaginary Party: Notes on a Politics of Neo-Communism (50) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

All totalizing systems that interpellate individual subjects to coincide strictly with their chosen role as social beings always "expulse" a certain residue

—p.58 Subscribing to the Imaginary Party: Notes on a Politics of Neo-Communism (50) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

(noun) an intervening space


Experiments in other modes of life are being explored within this new community, in the interstices of a society

—p.95 Spontaneous Overflow of Powerful Feeling: Activism and Immateriality (75) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago

Experiments in other modes of life are being explored within this new community, in the interstices of a society

—p.95 Spontaneous Overflow of Powerful Feeling: Activism and Immateriality (75) by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 9 months ago