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Living an Illusion: Beyond the Reality of Realism


Merrifield, A. (2011). Living an Illusion: Beyond the Reality of Realism. In Merrifield, A. Magical Marxism: Subversive Politics and the Imagination. Pluto Press, pp. 24-49


[...] Do people around the world need Marx to reveal the root of their misery, to correct the illusions and lacunas of their vision of everyday reality? Don't they know this all too well themselves? Aren't they bludgeoned by a system that's all too obvious to them, that has absolutely no desire to conceal anything because it's based on raw, naked and highly visible power, on a brute force that doesn't need unmasking by anyone? Isn't it more the case that this ruling force wallows in the obviousness of its shenanigans because it knows that its opposition is too weak and feeble to stand up to its power? [...]

arguing against Holloway's interpretation of Marx. I disagree here cus I do think ideology is an important factor to consider, but this interpretation is useful too

—p.36 by Andy Merrifield 5 years, 4 months ago

[...] Do people around the world need Marx to reveal the root of their misery, to correct the illusions and lacunas of their vision of everyday reality? Don't they know this all too well themselves? Aren't they bludgeoned by a system that's all too obvious to them, that has absolutely no desire to conceal anything because it's based on raw, naked and highly visible power, on a brute force that doesn't need unmasking by anyone? Isn't it more the case that this ruling force wallows in the obviousness of its shenanigans because it knows that its opposition is too weak and feeble to stand up to its power? [...]

arguing against Holloway's interpretation of Marx. I disagree here cus I do think ideology is an important factor to consider, but this interpretation is useful too

—p.36 by Andy Merrifield 5 years, 4 months ago

(verb) to break apart or in two; separate by or as if by violence or by intervening time or space / (verb) to become parted, disunited, or severed


what Marxists like Hollowoy tell us has been sundered: addressing the ontological separation between the doing and the done

—p.37 by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 4 months ago

what Marxists like Hollowoy tell us has been sundered: addressing the ontological separation between the doing and the done

—p.37 by Andy Merrifield
5 years, 4 months ago