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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 3 months ago

arrived in West Berlin just before November 9

[...] The couple owned a lake house in Berlin-Friedrichshagen, as well as a sailboat and even a surfboard; they owed their prosperity to a private glassworks. The two had waited years to be allowed to emigrate, and had finally arrived in West Berlin just before November 9. [...] it was all for noth…

—p.47 The German Comedy: Scenes of Life After the Wall Sentimental Germany (42) by Peter Schneider
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7 years, 3 months ago

another form of Aryanism

The Poles are pushed to such degrading convolutions as a result of the German immigration regulations [...] the Pole who presents his father's or his grandfather's National Socialist German Worker's Party card acquires all the privileges of a German citizen, while a compatriot whose father or grand…

—p.45 Sentimental Germany (42) by Peter Schneider
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7 years, 3 months ago

foreigners in East Germany

[...] The Germans now coming in from the East aren't used to anything non-German. Foreigners make up 12 percent of West Berlin's population, while in the whole of East Germany they consituted barely 1 percent.

—p.41 East-West Passages (20) by Peter Schneider
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7 years, 3 months ago

democratic socialism

Instead of disbanding, instead of surrendering their ill-gotten gains and shutting their mouths, the Socialist Unity Party simply mounted the next-biggest pony with any life in it. This new horse is called democratic socialism, and has the advantage of never having run a race.

—p.39 East-West Passages (20) by Peter Schneider
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7 years, 3 months ago

from one end of the street to the other

[...] By going through the Brandenburg Gate, which until recently marked the end of the Western world, you arrive at Berlin Center and Pariser Platz, and just beyond that is Unter den Linden. In Berlin, what people were calling the "wild," "crazy," "incredible," was in truth the most normal thing i…

—p.37 East-West Passages (20) by Peter Schneider