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Showing results by George Steiner only

a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly (plural: encomia). as the adjective encomiastic, means bestowing praise, eulogistic, laudatory

(verb) to reduce the mental or moral vigor of / (verb) to lessen the vitality or strength of

the study of man has become the study of disintegration and certain extinction

(noun) follower disciple / (noun) an inferior imitator

(noun) a plant (as a fruit tree) trained to grow flat against a support (as a wall) / (noun) a railing or trellis on which fruit trees or shrubs are trained to grow flat / (verb) to train as an espalier / (verb) to furnish with an espalier

(verb) to wear off the skin of; abrade / (verb) to censure scathingly

(adjective) requiring immediate aid or action / (adjective) requiring or calling for much; demanding

(verb) to move about freely or at will; wander / (verb) to speak or write at length or in detail

(noun) a side of cured meat / (noun) a side of bacon / (noun) a longitudinal section of a log

(in ancient Greece or Rome) a great public sacrifice, originally of a hundred oxen OR an extensive loss of life for some cause

(adjective) gray or white with or as if with age / (adjective) extremely old; ancient

(noun) a usually short sermon / (noun) a lecture or discourse on or of a moral theme / (noun) an inspirational catchphrase or platitude. homiletic: the art of preaching or writing sermons

an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation

unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable

(noun) a political principle or policy directed toward the incorporation of irredentas within the boundaries of their historically or ethnically related political unit / a person advocating the restoration to their country of any territory formerly belonging to it

(adjective) readily or continually undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown; unstable / (adjective) readily open to change

an unfilled space; a gap (plural: lacunae)

(adjective) of or relating to the libido

understatement (feminine)

(noun) a roofed open gallery especially at an upper story overlooking an open court

disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way

(noun) historically, a high government bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire OR a pedantic or elitist bureaucrat OR senior person of influence in academia or literary circles / (adj) deliberately superior or complex; esoteric, highbrow, obscurantist

(noun) historically, a high government bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire OR a pedantic or elitist bureaucrat OR senior person of influence in academia or literary circles / (adj) deliberately superior or complex; esoteric, highbrow, obscurantist

an ancient religious movement that has to do with duality? "an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness"

an ancient religious movement that has to do with duality? "an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness"

Showing results by George Steiner only