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Showing results by George Steiner only

(adjective) of, relating to, or suggestive of marble or a marble statue especially in coldness or aloofness

(adjective) having an insipid often unpleasant taste / (adjective) sickly or puerilely sentimental

(noun) the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment

(noun) air or bearing especially as expressive of attitude or personality; demeanor / (noun) appearance aspect

(noun) a duplicator for making many copies that utilizes a stencil through which ink is pressed

(noun) a small projection on the bottom of a hinged church seat that gives support to a standing worshiper when the seat is turned up

(adjective) fashionable, stylish

(noun) a view that there is only one kind of ultimate substance / (noun) the view that reality is one unitary organic whole with no independent parts / (noun) monogenesis / (noun) a viewpoint or theory that reduces all phenomena to one principle

(verb) to discuss from a legal standpoint; argue / (verb) to bring up for discussion; broach / (verb) debate

(noun) a person who sells quack medicines from a platform / (noun) a boastful unscrupulous pretender; charlatan / (verb) to beguile or transform by trickery / (verb) to play the mountebank

(noun) excrement / (noun) something that is morally degrading

(noun) excrement / (noun) something that is morally degrading

(adjective) marked by fullness, strength, and clarity of sound; sonorous / (adjective) pompous bombastic

a manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain

(noun) an extensive generally grass-covered plain of temperate South America east of the Andes; prairie / (noun) a South American grass (Cortaderia selloana) often grown for ornament that has showy white panicles borne on tall stems

(noun) a complete code of the laws of a country or system of law / (noun) a treatise covering an entire subject

(adjective) being or presenting a comprehensive or panoramic view

related to the slang term "Pinko", which was coined in 1925 in the United States to describe a person regarded as being sympathetic to communism; often used, derogatorily, to describe anyone perceived to have leftist or socialist sympathies

(noun) the male head of a household / (noun) the father of a family / (noun) a man who originates or is a leading figure in something (as a movement, discipline, or enterprise)

(noun) an inept chess player

translucently clear

(verb) to travel especially on foot; walk / (verb) to walk or travel over; traverse

(noun) an exhibition of optical effects and illusions / (noun) a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined / (noun) a scene that constantly changes / (noun) a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage

(noun) the study of literature and of disciplines relevant to literature or to language as used in literature

(adjective) of or relating to Pietism / (adjective) of or relating to religious devotion or devout persons / (adjective) marked by overly sentimental or emotional devotion to religion; religiose

Showing results by George Steiner only