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the opposite or counterpart of a fact or truth; the side of a coin or medal bearing the head or principal design

Highlighted phrases


argues that the obverse is true

—p.130 The End (128) by Meghan O'Gieblyn
4 years, 7 months ago

The obverse of hope is disappointment (an affect that is today embodied in figures like the young ‘graduate with no future’). Whereas anger has traditionally been the dominant affect of the militant left, disappointment invokes a more productive relation – not merely a willed transformation of the status quo, but also a desire for what-might-be. Disappointment indexes a yearning for a lost future.

—p.141 A New Common Sense (129) by Alex Williams, Nick Srnicek
7 years, 2 months ago

liberalism and the Democratic Party in no way represents the left-wing obverse of conservatism and the GOP. And liberals, deep down in their hearts, understand this. They have no true ideological counterpoint--no real program and certainly no vision for changing society for the better.

—p.13 Steve Bannon's Autobahn (11) by Connor Kilpatrick
7 years, 3 months ago

whose political commitments were interpreted by members of the underground as being the obverse of ‘the Soviet’

—p.69 Against Privatized Poetry (65) by Kirill Medvedev
7 years, 2 months ago

The relative backwardness of conditions on the continent led liberal and conservative parties to adopt positions on economic policy that were the obverse of the ones held by their counterparts in England

mid-1800s (when Das Kapital was being written)

—p.82 The Abolitionist—II (69) by Gopal Balakrishnan
7 years, 2 months ago

an ideological product of irrational neoliberalism and the obverse fatigue of the neo-Keynesians

—p.131 Kaleidoscopics of Power (127) by Anders Stephanson
7 years, 2 months ago

The implied obverse, an unbroken culture, would be a more civil form of class and imperial rule.

—p.82 ‘One thinge that ouerthroweth all that were graunted before’: On Being Presidential (81) by China Miéville
5 years, 10 months ago

He also examines the obverse trend in the literary marketplace, with authors increasingly expected to serve as their own “storytelling managers.”

—p.81 Storified (78) missing author
4 years, 10 months ago

Th e second link between war and debt is really just the obverse of the first: alongside debts imposed in order to make war, there are debts imposed in order to keep the peace.

—p.76 Chapter 3: Th e Economic Consequences of the Perpetual Peace (65) by Richard Dienst
7 years, 2 months ago

thus bringing back the obverse figure of the norm

not sure if he means norm in the vector sense or in the common sense

—p.144 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 2 months ago

organizations specializing in these tactics tend not to produce mass engagement by a movement’s true-believing base. The obverse is also true. It’s nearly impossible to run a tent city, for instance, and at the same time get a well-sourced policy paper

—p.95 Who Works for the Workers? (91) by Gabriel Winant
4 years, 7 months ago