(psychoanalysis) the process of investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea
Transient cathexes, which cause all territories limited and marked by codes to disappear in their wake
cathecting onto the destiny of labor of something foreign to it, a general learnedness
Thus, in depression, the depressive mode is cathected; in generalized anxiety disorder, the danger mode is cathected; in panic disorder, the panic mode is cathected (Beck et al., 1985).
to name something as a crime is not just to announce its prohibition, but to confer on that act a libidinal cathexis: transgression is sexy
on suicide
the explicit de-cathexis of the "nice house, nice family" picture that bourgeois culture is still capable of projecting as ideal
Auto-eroticism must thus be distinguished from what Freud will call 'narcissism', a state in which one's body or ego as a whole is 'cathected', or taken as an object of desire.
Alice Miller's The Drama of the Gifted Child, in which the good child has been made to develop a false self by parents who cathect the child narcissistically
When I whipped him gently with my sash, he made me say the cathected words. The cathected words! he'd beg.
This doesn’t obviate the fact that such sadistic cathexis was shoved into the public sphere in the first place:
Lenore's own private well of emotional cathex
not entirely sure of the meaning here
that's why everybody should pay attention to it: because everybody's fighting about it. It is a culturally cathected term.
he could perform cathexis
probably has a manif-specific meaning here but I assume the general idea is the same
It is about cathecting enough other people and enough of the world
in an email to Robert K Bolger, on AA (in Gesturing Toward Reality p45)
it is still unclear why work should be cathected in the first place