The stentorian voice of manly conviction which Lukács employs to assert in good Hegelian fashion the primacy of the substantial universal over the specious
The strike, the largest in British history, was adroitly encircled and dismantled by a government having wide recourse to emergency measures, police and military crackdowns and a stentorian campaign of vilification.
Don't flirt with the workmen! bellows a stentorian voice that rattles the china.
Party activists are hounded in great numbers, forced to betray others, to confess to preposterous crimes with stentorian declarations
the stentorian cadence of "boots on the ground"
A stentorian, Faulkner-like voice within him
i thought it meant moralising
His voice dredges up memories of his raspy morning mumbles, his stentorian laughter
why do i never remember this word
The doctor’s stentorian voice and overblown statements were starting to annoy him.
Cop, his arms stretched skyward, sang in a stentorious voice
From the avenue came the clatter of cast counters and the stentorian, r-trilling voice of Elenski advising somebody to “keep trying.”
one stentorian pronouncement follows another