Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).




Savage, M. (2019). ANDY WARHOL PRESENTS RYAZANTSEV - Paul Morrissey, 1970. In Savage, M. Fictional Film Club. Deep Overstock, pp. 271-301


At this point it is easy to forget the feverish early excitement of that particular part of the internet age. We're now embedded in it, we're used to our online lives, and our online deaths. At least four of my school friends on Facebook have passed away. Their profile pictures are frozen tributes to themselves, not as I remember them, but at a point between 2007 (when the site began) and now. Their last status updates serve as epitaphs. A girl in my English class (cancer): Surprise breakfast in bed from hubby: So lucky. A boy whose head obscured L from me in science (car accident): What's with this government? And David H (unnamed disease): Saw this video and had to share. Just a few hours of life undocumented between the choice to share these thoughts and death.


—p.295 by Mark Savage 1 year, 7 months ago

At this point it is easy to forget the feverish early excitement of that particular part of the internet age. We're now embedded in it, we're used to our online lives, and our online deaths. At least four of my school friends on Facebook have passed away. Their profile pictures are frozen tributes to themselves, not as I remember them, but at a point between 2007 (when the site began) and now. Their last status updates serve as epitaphs. A girl in my English class (cancer): Surprise breakfast in bed from hubby: So lucky. A boy whose head obscured L from me in science (car accident): What's with this government? And David H (unnamed disease): Saw this video and had to share. Just a few hours of life undocumented between the choice to share these thoughts and death.


—p.295 by Mark Savage 1 year, 7 months ago