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(precarious + proletariat) a social class formed by people suffering from precarity, due to lack of job security; emergence of this class has been ascribed to the entrenchment of neoliberalism; Guy Standing has a book on this


a growing 'precariat', consisting of millions of people facing unstable, insecure labour, a lack of occupational identity, declining and increasingly volatile real wages, loss of benefits and chronic indebtedness

—p.xi Preface (vii) by Guy Standing
7 years, 8 months ago

a growing 'precariat', consisting of millions of people facing unstable, insecure labour, a lack of occupational identity, declining and increasingly volatile real wages, loss of benefits and chronic indebtedness

—p.xi Preface (vii) by Guy Standing
7 years, 8 months ago

lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group, which lessens social cohesion and fosters decline; popularized by French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his influential book Suicide


This mixture of anxiety, anomie, alienation and anger is creating a 'perfect storm'

for hate-filled populism

—p.xi Preface (vii) by Guy Standing
7 years, 8 months ago

This mixture of anxiety, anomie, alienation and anger is creating a 'perfect storm'

for hate-filled populism

—p.xi Preface (vii) by Guy Standing
7 years, 8 months ago

a school of social theory and philosophy associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt; consisted of dissidents who felt at home neither in the existent capitalist, fascist, nor communist systems that had formed at the time


The Frankfurt School psychoanalyst Erich Fromm advocated a 'universal subsistence guarantee' in a famous 1955 book, The Sane Society

—p.15 Basic Income--Its Meaning and Historical Origins (1) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

The Frankfurt School psychoanalyst Erich Fromm advocated a 'universal subsistence guarantee' in a famous 1955 book, The Sane Society

—p.15 Basic Income--Its Meaning and Historical Origins (1) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

a type of building designed by English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century; allows all (pan-) inmates to be observed (-opticon) by a single watchman without the inmates being able to tell whether or not they are being watched


libertarian paternalism derives from Bentham's 'panopticon', a prison design enabling prisoners to be watched by a guard at all times and their behaviour monitored. Bentham's idea was to give prisoners apparent free choice, while knowing they would be punished if they made the 'wrong' choice.

—p.56 Basic Income and Freedom (47) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

libertarian paternalism derives from Bentham's 'panopticon', a prison design enabling prisoners to be watched by a guard at all times and their behaviour monitored. Bentham's idea was to give prisoners apparent free choice, while knowing they would be punished if they made the 'wrong' choice.

—p.56 Basic Income and Freedom (47) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

(noun) government by the wealthy / (noun) a controlling class of the wealthy


In the relative sense, the precariat almost certainly loses from growth, because the gains from the sort of growth that is occurring go disproportionately if not entirely to the plutocracy, elite and salariat.

—p.74 Reducing Poverty, Inequality and Insecurity (71) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

In the relative sense, the precariat almost certainly loses from growth, because the gains from the sort of growth that is occurring go disproportionately if not entirely to the plutocracy, elite and salariat.

—p.74 Reducing Poverty, Inequality and Insecurity (71) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

a tool of unconventional monetary policy that has been proposed as an alternative to quantitative easing when interest rates are close to zero and the economy remains weak or enters recession; popularised by Milton Friedman in the form of dropping money on the ground (from a helicopter), though he didn't intend it as an actual policy


The idea of giving money directly to people to boost growth was put forward in a famous 1969 article by Milton Friedman, who used the parable of scattering dollar bills from a helicopter for the public to pick up. 'Helicopter money'--printing money to distribute to the public--has been proposed by American bond investor Bill Gross and by the economics journalist Martin Wolf, among others.

—p.102 The Economic Arguments (95) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

The idea of giving money directly to people to boost growth was put forward in a famous 1969 article by Milton Friedman, who used the parable of scattering dollar bills from a helicopter for the public to pick up. 'Helicopter money'--printing money to distribute to the public--has been proposed by American bond investor Bill Gross and by the economics journalist Martin Wolf, among others.

—p.102 The Economic Arguments (95) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation


A libertarian might regard that quasi-Darwinian prospect with equanimity; the rest of us might not.

on the likely result of 'helicopter money': the swift and the strong get most of it

—p.103 The Economic Arguments (95) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

A libertarian might regard that quasi-Darwinian prospect with equanimity; the rest of us might not.

on the likely result of 'helicopter money': the swift and the strong get most of it

—p.103 The Economic Arguments (95) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

a Marxist term (though never actually used by Karl Marx himself) refering to those who receive income - usually interest, rent, dividends, capital gains, or profits - from their assets and investments


they should oppose the many other forms of 'rentier' income derived solely from possession of assets

—p.118 The Standard Objections (109) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago

they should oppose the many other forms of 'rentier' income derived solely from possession of assets

—p.118 The Standard Objections (109) by Guy Standing
7 years, 7 months ago