Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 4 months ago

Middlemarch and striving

[...] All her people are striving toward the fullest truth, the least partial good. Except when Eliot thought of striving, she had more in mind than Austen's hope of happy marriages, or Dickens's dream of resolved mysteries. She was thinking of Spinoza's kind of striving, conatus. From Spinoza, E…

—p.35 Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays Middlemarch and Everybody (29) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

David Foster Wallace is very Victorian

[...] With a scalpel Eliot dissects degrees of human velleity, finding the conscious ction hidden within the impulse hiden within the desire hidden within the will tucked away deep inside the decision that we have obfuscated even from ourselves. (She is very modern in this; she articulates the obse…

—p.33 Middlemarch and Everybody (29) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

the stumbling errors of human beings project/kill-your-heroes

The young Eliot could exult only in the perfect truths we glean from certain books in our libraries; the mature Eliot had learned to have sympathy for the stumbling errors of human beings. [...]

—p.32 Middlemarch and Everybody (29) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

liking Keats makes you cultured

[...] It's a cliché to think liking Keats makes you cultured (Larkin and Amis defaced their college copy of The Eves of St. Agnes) [...]

—p.24 E. M. Forster, Middle Manager (14) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

Wordsworth country

[...] not having read Wordsworth, yet grasps the soul of that poet as he listens to Forster recount a visit to the Lake District, Wordsworth country: "Grey sheets of rain trailed in front of the mountains, waterfalls slid down them and shone in the sun, and the sky was always sending shafts of ligh…

—p.18 E. M. Forster, Middle Manager (14) by Zadie Smith