Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 3 months ago

Camus on the solidary community

[...] Camus's description of the solidary community of individuals who all suffer from the same absurdity--from the uncertainty and meaningless--of human existence. [...]

—p.xi Foreword: 'Love Me till My Heart Stops' (xi) by Allard Pieter den Dulk
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7 years, 3 months ago

on 2004's reelection

Here is an overt premise. There is just no way that 2004's reelection could have taken place--not to mention extraordinary rendition, legalized torture, FISA-flouting, or the passage of the Military Commissions Act--if we had been paying attention and handling information in a competent grown-up wa…

—p.313 Both Flesh and Not: Essays Deciderization 2007--A Special Report (299) by David Foster Wallace
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7 years, 3 months ago

the bridge between modernism and postmodernism

The truth, briefly stated, is that Borges is arguably the great bridge between modernism and postmodernism in world literature. He is a modernist in that his fiction shows a first-rate human mind stripped of all foundations in religious or ideological certainty--a mind turned thus wholly in on itse…

—p.293 Borges on the Couch (285) by David Foster Wallace
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7 years, 3 months ago

"all of" vs "all"

[...] Except for the ironic-idiom case, the only time it's correct to use all of is when the adj. phrase is folowed by a pronoun--"All of them got cards"; "I wanted Edgar to have all of me"--unless, however, the relevant pronoun is possessive, in which case you must again omit the of, as in "Al…

—p.276 Twenty-Four Word Notes (261) by David Foster Wallace