disciplinary society has its Panopticon, the extension of carceral logic from the penal system outward into all institutions of social conditioning
disciplinary society has its Panopticon, the extension of carceral logic from the penal system outward into all institutions of social conditioning
In order to start thinking about the relationship between indebted- ness, visibility, and space, we can turn to an essay by Gilles Deleuze, “Postscript on Control Societies” (1990).
he seems like someone I need to start reading
It is hard to avoid the impression that the “new paradigm” is essentially the same as the old one, now pursuing global free market restructuring in the name of morality rather than economic efficiency. [...] Above all Sachs wants to argue that the end of poverty can be accomplished without diminish…
The so-called Washington Consensus, confidently enforced by the IMF, World Bank, and other economic institutions since the 1970s, has been comprehensively challenged from within the ranks of its own practitioners.
From moment to moment, television has an ineluctable way of making connections, sometimes surprising and sometimes not surprising at all.