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(noun) a frame of latticework used as a screen or as a support for climbing plants / (noun) a construction (as a summerhouse) chiefly of latticework / (noun) an arrangement that forms or gives the effect of a lattice / (verb) to provide with a trellis / (verb) to train (as a vine) on a trellis / (verb) to cross or interlace on or through; interweave

(adjective) keen, sharp / (adjective) vigorously effective and articulate / (adjective) caustic / (adjective) sharply perceptive; penetrating / (adjective) clear-cut, distinct

(The Glorious Thirty) the thirty years from 1945 to 1975 in France, during which the economy grew rapidly

refers to economic corporatism based on tripartite contracts of business, labour, and state affiliations within the economy

(noun) trinity / (adjective) ; three in one; / (adjective) of or relating to the Trinity / (adjective) consisting of three parts, members, or aspects

(noun) a Russian vehicle drawn by three horses abreast / (noun) a team for such a vehicle / (noun) a group of three / (noun) an administrative or ruling body of three

(noun) the personal possessions of a bride usually including clothes, accessories, and household linens and wares

(verb) to act in a subservient manner; submit / (noun) trundle bed

eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant

an American foreign policy created to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War; announced March 12, 1947 and further developed on July 12, 1948 when Truman pledged to contain Soviet threats to Greece and Turkey

(intrans verb) to progress by revolving; (trans verb) to propel by causing to rotate

any of the four tassels or fringes on garments worn by the Jews in remembrance of the commandments

Tule fog, named for a sedge grass that populates California's wetlands, is a thick ground fog that periodically blankets the Central Valley during the winter months

(noun) a farm tipcart / (noun) a vehicle carrying condemned persons (as political prisoners during the French Revolution) to a place of execution

(adjective) thick or opaque with or as if with roiled sediment / (adjective) heavy with smoke or mist / (adjective) deficient in clarity or purity; foul muddy / (adjective) characterized by or producing obscurity (as of mind or emotions)

(adjective) being in a state of distension; swollen, tumid (opposite of flaccid) / (adjective) exhibiting turgor / (adjective) excessively embellished in style or language; bombastic, pompous

(plural for tympanum) the recessed, usually triangular space enclosed between the horizontal and sloping cornices of a pediment, often decorated with sculpture

a classification according to general type, especially in archaeology, psychology, or the social sciences

an edict of the Russian government OR an arbitrary command

(noun, plural) the state or quality of being ultimate

(noun) offense or annoyance

not beveled

(adjective) fatty oily / (adjective) smooth and greasy in texture or appearance / (adjective) plastic / (adjective) full of unction / (adjective) revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality

(verb) to form or move in waves; fluctuate / (verb) to rise and fall in volume, pitch, or cadence / (verb) to present a wavy appearance / (verb) to cause to move in a wavy, sinuous, or flowing manner

a concept within Marxist economics referring to unequal labour values; can be applied historically to the origins of international wage differentials. proponents of concept: Samir Amin; John Roemer; Immanuel Wallerstein; Ernest Mandel