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Showing results by Roland Barthes only

(noun) the act of renouncing or rejecting something; self-denial

(noun) otherness / (noun) the quality or state of being radically alien to the conscious self or a particular cultural orientation

(noun) otherness / (noun) the quality or state of being radically alien to the conscious self or a particular cultural orientation

(noun) the usually ironic or humorous use of words in senses opposite to the generally accepted meanings (as in “this giant of 3 feet 4 inches”)

(noun) the usually ironic or humorous use of words in senses opposite to the generally accepted meanings (as in “this giant of 3 feet 4 inches”)

(adjective) gently moving the bowels; laxative

(noun) an expression of real or pretended doubt or uncertainty especially for rhetorical effect / (noun) a logical impasse or contradiction / (noun) a radical contradiction in the import of a text or theory that is seen in deconstruction as inevitable

(noun) any of a Tibetan breed of small dogs that have a dense coat of long hard straight hair, a heavy fall over the eyes, heavy whiskers and beard, and a well-feathered tail curled over the back

(noun) the practice of severe self-discipline, typically for religious reasons

writing that's similar to the plays and novels of the French writer Honoré de Balzac; a Balzacian story is realistic, emphasizing tiny details to capture a scene or setting

(noun) a folk custom in which the community gives a noisy, discordant mock serenade, frequently with pounding on pots and pans, also known as rough music

(noun) the general feeling of inhabiting one's body that arises from multiple stimuli from various bodily organs

(noun) anxiety arising from awareness of guilt / (noun) distress of mind over an anticipated action or result / (noun) a twinge of misgiving; scruple

(noun) ; something that connects; as / (noun) the connecting link between subject and predicate of a proposition / (noun) linking verb

(from the Greek κρᾶσις, "mixing", "blending") is a type of contraction in which two vowels or diphthongs merge into one new vowel or diphthong, making one word out of two

(adjective) relating to or being a high-ranking dignitary of ancient Rome entitled to occupy a special chair / (adjective) of, relating to, or being a chair or seat reserved for Romans of high rank that resembles a backless stool with curved legs / (adjective) of, relating to, or being a 19th century seat with legs of a similar style

(adjective) of, relating to, or dealing with phenomena (as of language or culture) as they occur or change over a period of time

(adjective) distinctive, capable of distinguishing; (of a mark or sign) serving to indicate different pronunciations of a letter above or below which it is written

a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments

a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments

(noun) a usually short poem in an inspired wild irregular strain / (noun) a statement or writing in an exalted or enthusiastic vein

(verb) to wander or stray from a course or subject; diverge digress

(adjective) empyreal / (noun) the highest heaven or heavenly sphere in ancient and medieval cosmology usually consisting of fire or light / (noun) the true and ultimate heavenly paradise / (noun) firmament heavens / (noun) an ideal place or state

(noun) the quality or state of being exiguous (very small in size or amount); scantiness

(noun) the action of the state in taking or modifying the property rights of an individual in the exercise of its sovereignty; differs from eminent domain in that it can also refer to private property taken by a private entity authorised by the government

Showing results by Roland Barthes only