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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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(noun) a division or split in a group or union; schism / (noun) an action or process of cutting, dividing, or splitting; the state of being cut, divided, or split

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What are the sources of such scission?

—p.30 The Cleric of Treason (13) by George Steiner
7 years, 9 months ago

Spinoza's move both deprives the grounding of Law in a sadistic act of scission (the cruel cut of castration), at the same time as it denies the ungrounded positing of agency in an act of pure volition

on Spinoza's reading of the Fall as God not condemning Adam because eating the apple was wrong; rather, he tells him it is wrong because it's bad for him

—p.72 Marxist Supernanny (71) by Mark Fisher
7 years, 5 months ago

The tension that has defined the neoliberal right for forty years - in which ostensibly opposing positions in practice complemented one another - has now become a scission.

—p.623 Mannequin Challenge (617) by Mark Fisher
6 years, 1 month ago

for this scission there is no Tribunal

—p.162 Neither/Nor Criticism (161) by Roland Barthes
7 years, 7 months ago

Through its operations the scission between wealth and poverty turns into a self-reinforcing pincer.

—p.62 Chapter 2: Inequality, Poverty, Indebtedness (33) by Richard Dienst
7 years, 6 months ago

This contradiction, or scission, was reproduced throughout the historical trajectory of Marxism, at the cost of increasingly intense internal conflicts

on Marx saying he is not a Marxist?

—p.163 Appendix: The End of Politics or Politics without End? Marx and the Aporia of ‘Communist Politics’ (159) by Étienne Balibar
7 years, 4 months ago