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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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A classical example, cited by Hilferding in his Finance Capital (1910), was the international proliferation of peak employers’ organizations in response to the new industrial unions of the early twentieth century. In the German case, the Free Trade Unions had “developed a technique of labor struggle known as ‘Einzelabschlachtung’—literally, ‘knocking them off singly.’ The organized workers did not tackle an industry on a broad front but plant by plant. While the workers of one plant were on strike, their fellow-workers in other plants of the same industry would continue work and provide funds for the strikers.” Initially this was a great success, and “it soon became apparent that organized labor could be fought only by an organization of employers which corresponded in scale and financial resources to the unions.” The result was the formation of two national employers’ organizations, one for heavy industry and textiles, and the other for light industries, which emulated the research and coordinating functions of the central union leagues, and, like the unions, provided mutual aid and financial support during strikes and lockouts. As Carl Schorske observed, “unionization [by 1914] had produced its counterpart—a powerful enemy, armed with equal or superior weapons.”


—p.116 Old Gods, New Enigmas: Notes on Revolutionary Agency (1) by Mike Davis 10 months, 3 weeks ago