Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).

When Roni asked Arsyen about prioritzation, Arsyen asked, "Is this on the roadmap?"

When Sven suggested adding images of attractive women to the car dashboard, Arsyen rubbed his chin.

"Does this align with our strategy?"

When all three looked to him for an opinion in how best to implement symmetry enhancement, Arsyen stood and put his hands on his hips.

"Does this align with the strategy on our roadmap?"

No one seemed to notice anything was amiss. If anything, it seemed like product managers just asked questions that other people had to answer.

ok this is actually kind of funny

—p.53 by Jessica Powell 9 months ago