Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).

The big reveal, the secret plan Wiles wanted Lindsay to unveil to the world, was a surprise partnership with Gifty’s Zach Romero. Romero was the most beloved young businessman in Las Vegas, so different from Wiles in age, aspect, and demeanor that Lindsay was having a hard time picturing them in the same room. Yet now the two richest men in town were joining forces, and would revolutionize the hospitality game forever, or so it seemed.

Gifty would provide the digital platform, a clever reimagining of their social media algorithm as an opt-in service for hotel visitors; Wiles supplied the infrastructure, his entire network of Vegas resorts available for capillary microcustomization of the tourist experience; an army of dedicated workertainers (as a sly PR initiative, job offers would be first sent out to Wiles Group personnel made redundant in the last two years) would strive to bend the confines of the collective to the benefit of the individual, constantly repackaging Las Vegas to suit each visitor’s algorithmically determined tastes and needs.

—p.435 by Dario Diofebi 1 year, 6 months ago