The wife's angry driving, the husband has noticed, becomes far worse when they must travel together on their way to marriage counseling. They must travel together on their way to marriage counseling because two weeks ago the husband wrecked their other car, and during this wreck both the husband and his passenger, a pale young woman from the city, sustained injuries that required immediate attention at the local hospital, which was not in fact very local at all, but quite a distance away from the hotel address that the husband had given his wife when they discussed his going to the business conference scheduled for that ill-fated weekend. And despite the relative ease with which the hospital staff treated the patients, for the two had responsibly belted themselves into the car for their first ever romantic drive, the difficulty of explaining to his wife these less than ideal circumstances caused the greatest injury of all.
I just like the way this paragraph is written (inspiration for MC? though he doesn't cheat on her)