This is a point that needs insisting on in the tech-phobic world that is so much of the humanities and social sciences. There politics is the magic answer to all our problems. But not this actual politics whose dismal rituals we see all around us. Some other politics, a virtual politics that is a possibility latent in mere actual politics. For these general intellects, politics has this dual character, virtual and actual, but technology never does. Only the first part of Marx’s thinking on this is acknowledged—that science and tech, or today’s techno-science, is absorbed into capital and takes its form. That tech too is both virtual and actual, and could have other forms, is not up for discussion. General intellects might have to figure out together how all of the particular domains in which we work or which we study, from politics to culture to science to technology, are all at one and the same time part of the problem and part of any possible solution.