Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).

[...] Jesus has set before us two paths to travel through life, and we must choose one. He offers us a narrow path, which, although it is “contracted by pressure,” leads to life. He also offers us a broad path that is easier to travel but leads to destruction. Our temptation is to take the easy way, but it is not the best way. This could be a place where many people would use the excuse “It is just too hard.”

It is interesting that the narrow path, the one that leads to life, includes pressure. This is because the devil will do anything he can do to prevent us from taking the path that leads to a life we can enjoy. Notice that there are few who take the narrow path, but many take the broad path, not realizing, I’m sure, that it will lead to destruction, even though they have been warned.

If we choose to do the hard thing now, we will reap an abundant harvest (the fruit or results of our choices) in eternity. But if we take the easy path now, we will experience destruction and misery in eternity. We should begin now to live for eternity. We should not simply live for the moment, because it passes in the blink of an eye, and we are left with the consequences and results of the choices we made in it.

funny how similar this is to the way i've been thinking recently (secular)

—p.171 “It’s Just Too Hard!” (169) by Joyce Meyer 1 week, 4 days ago