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(noun) fitness; suitableness; adequacy


the Church looks askance at excesses of zeal: the word for clerical normality, ‘idoneity’, designates the optimal point between necessary and excessive commitment

—p.102 Joyful Auto-Mobiles (Employees: How To Pull Their Legs) (49) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

the Church looks askance at excesses of zeal: the word for clerical normality, ‘idoneity’, designates the optimal point between necessary and excessive commitment

—p.102 Joyful Auto-Mobiles (Employees: How To Pull Their Legs) (49) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

I think this just means fate. Can also mean: utterance, declaration, proclamation, prediction

philosophical and metaphysical theories of divine presence in which the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material world


Figure of transcendence surreptitiously reintroduced in immanence

on the diff between Spinoza and Marx: value

—p.113 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

Figure of transcendence surreptitiously reintroduced in immanence

on the diff between Spinoza and Marx: value

—p.113 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

rotation of the hand and forearm so that the palm faces backwards or downwards


extrinsic value of serving as bulwark against pronatory chaos

defined in footnote by translator (refering to the "naked attitude of the conatus as the gesture of grabbing something"). kind of a cool use of the word

—p.116 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

extrinsic value of serving as bulwark against pronatory chaos

defined in footnote by translator (refering to the "naked attitude of the conatus as the gesture of grabbing something"). kind of a cool use of the word

—p.116 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

(noun) defensive wall


extrinsic value of serving as bulwark against pronatory chaos

—p.116 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

extrinsic value of serving as bulwark against pronatory chaos

—p.116 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

pertaining to Karl Marx and ideas he explicitly explored in his writings; differs from Marxist in that the latter includes ideas developed by others in the same vein of thought


It is significant in any case that employees do not need to believe in the Marxian theory of surplus-value in order to feel exploited and engage in struggle.

—p.117 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

It is significant in any case that employees do not need to believe in the Marxian theory of surplus-value in order to feel exploited and engage in struggle.

—p.117 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

(noun) historically, a high government bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire OR a pedantic or elitist bureaucrat OR senior person of influence in academia or literary circles / (adj) deliberately superior or complex; esoteric, highbrow, obscurantist


university mandarins sign their names to publications for which their assistants provided the statistics

—p.118 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

university mandarins sign their names to publications for which their assistants provided the statistics

—p.118 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

(noun) a falling off or away; deterioration / (noun) descent slope


as its own specific declension of bossing in general

—p.121 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

as its own specific declension of bossing in general

—p.121 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

(noun) a region uniform in environmental conditions and in its populations of animals and plants for which it is the habitat


The fact remains that the existence of such scandalous biotopes of autonomy from the common law of employment is to some extent an homage vice pays to virtue

referring to "creatives" (artists, etc) who function somewhat outside capital, or at least outside the confines of the organisation

—p.124 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

The fact remains that the existence of such scandalous biotopes of autonomy from the common law of employment is to some extent an homage vice pays to virtue

referring to "creatives" (artists, etc) who function somewhat outside capital, or at least outside the confines of the organisation

—p.124 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments


brings back a dialectical figure we had believed lost: that of capitalism’s self-transcendence out of its own contradictions

—p.125 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago

brings back a dialectical figure we had believed lost: that of capitalism’s self-transcendence out of its own contradictions

—p.125 Domination, Liberation (105) by Frédéric Lordon
7 years, 7 months ago