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a term used by Slavoj Žižek to refer to a form of objective violence that underlies our economic and political systems


there is what I call 'systemic' violence, or the often catastrophic consequences of the smooth functioning of our economic and political systems.

—p.1 Introduction: (1) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

there is what I call 'systemic' violence, or the often catastrophic consequences of the smooth functioning of our economic and political systems.

—p.1 Introduction: (1) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

a term used by Slavoj Žižek to refer to clearly delimited interpersonal violence committed by one subject to another; contrast with objective violence (either symbolic or systemic)


But we should learn to step back, to disentangle ourselves from the fascinating lure of this directly visible 'subjective' violence, violence performed by a clearly identifiable agent.

—p.1 Introduction: (1) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

But we should learn to step back, to disentangle ourselves from the fascinating lure of this directly visible 'subjective' violence, violence performed by a clearly identifiable agent.

—p.1 Introduction: (1) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

a term used by Slavoj Žižek to refer to a form of objective violence that has to do with language


there is a 'symbolic' violence embodied in language and its forms, what Heidegger would call ‘our house of being' [...] there is a more fundamental form of violence still that pertains to language as such, to its imposition of a certain universe of meaning

—p.1 Introduction: (1) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

there is a 'symbolic' violence embodied in language and its forms, what Heidegger would call ‘our house of being' [...] there is a more fundamental form of violence still that pertains to language as such, to its imposition of a certain universe of meaning

—p.1 Introduction: (1) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

in a nutshell


Toni Negri himself, the guru of the postmodern left, praises digital capitalism as containing in nuce all the elements of communism – one has only to drop the capitalist form, and the revolutionary goal is achieved.

—p.14 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

Toni Negri himself, the guru of the postmodern left, praises digital capitalism as containing in nuce all the elements of communism – one has only to drop the capitalist form, and the revolutionary goal is achieved.

—p.14 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

a term coined by Bill Gates in 1995 in his book The Road Ahead; describes an extremely efficient market in which buyers and sellers can find each other easily, can interact directly, and can perform transactions with only minimal overhead costs


Bill Gates is the icon of what he has called ‘frictionless capitalism’, a post-industrial society in which we witness the ‘end of labor’, in which software is winning over hardware and the young nerd over the older dark-suited manager.

—p.14 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

Bill Gates is the icon of what he has called ‘frictionless capitalism’, a post-industrial society in which we witness the ‘end of labor’, in which software is winning over hardware and the young nerd over the older dark-suited manager.

—p.14 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

philosophical and metaphysical theories of divine presence in which the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material world


Peter Sloterdijk provides the outlines of capitalism’s split from itself, its immanent selfovercoming: capitalism culminates when it ‘creates out of itself its own most radical – and the only fruitful – opposite [...]’

—p.19 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

Peter Sloterdijk provides the outlines of capitalism’s split from itself, its immanent selfovercoming: capitalism culminates when it ‘creates out of itself its own most radical – and the only fruitful – opposite [...]’

—p.19 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of Hegel, his philosophy, or his dialectic method / (noun) a follower of Hegel; an adherent of Hegelianism


G. K. Chesterton’s The Man Who Was Thursday, in which the highest police authority is the same person as the super-criminal, staging a battle with himself. In a proto-Hegelian way, the external threat the community is fighting is its own inherent essence

this word will show up many more times in this book, believe me

—p.23 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

G. K. Chesterton’s The Man Who Was Thursday, in which the highest police authority is the same person as the super-criminal, staging a battle with himself. In a proto-Hegelian way, the external threat the community is fighting is its own inherent essence

this word will show up many more times in this book, believe me

—p.23 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

the philosophical attempt to describe things in terms of their apparent intrinsic purpose, directive principle, or goal, irrespective of human use or opinion


The use of the expression usually reserved for homosexuals (masturbation ‘brings selflove out of the closet’) hints at a kind of implicit teleology of the gradual exclusion of all otherness: first, in homosexuality, the other sex is excluded (one does it with another person of the same sex).

thank you Slavoj Zizek for explaining what homosexuality is

—p.28 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

The use of the expression usually reserved for homosexuals (masturbation ‘brings selflove out of the closet’) hints at a kind of implicit teleology of the gradual exclusion of all otherness: first, in homosexuality, the other sex is excluded (one does it with another person of the same sex).

thank you Slavoj Zizek for explaining what homosexuality is

—p.28 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

(adjective) marked by avoidance of traditional musical tonality / (adjective) organized without reference to key or tonal center and using the tones of the chromatic scale impartially


Alain Badiou develops the notion of ‘atonal’ worlds – monde atone – which lack the intervention of a Master-Signifier to impose meaningful order onto the confused multiplicity of reality.

—p.29 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

Alain Badiou develops the notion of ‘atonal’ worlds – monde atone – which lack the intervention of a Master-Signifier to impose meaningful order onto the confused multiplicity of reality.

—p.29 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 8 months ago

a Lacanian term (following the linguistics of Saussure); really just another signifier (i.e., something that organises discursive structures) but one which stops the slippage of the signified under the signifier and fixes meaning, thereby forming a stable symbolic order. i don't really know tbh. a platonic ideal of a concept like "freedom" or "health"?


Alain Badiou develops the notion of ‘atonal’ worlds – monde atone – which lack the intervention of a Master-Signifier to impose meaningful order onto the confused multiplicity of reality.

—p.29 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 7 months ago

Alain Badiou develops the notion of ‘atonal’ worlds – monde atone – which lack the intervention of a Master-Signifier to impose meaningful order onto the confused multiplicity of reality.

—p.29 Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo: (8) by Slavoj Žižek
7 years, 7 months ago