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the postulate that markets are organised most effectively by private enterprise and that the private pursuit of accumulation will generate the most common good; accomplished by opening international markets and financial networks, and downsizing the welfare state


what is meant by that word neoliberalism. My view is that it refers to a class project that coalesced in the crisis of the 1970s. Masked by a lot of rhetoric about individual freedom, liberty, personal responsibility and the virtues of privatisation, the free market and free trade, it legitimised draconian policies designed to restore and consolidate capitalist class power.

—p.10 The Disruption (1) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

what is meant by that word neoliberalism. My view is that it refers to a class project that coalesced in the crisis of the 1970s. Masked by a lot of rhetoric about individual freedom, liberty, personal responsibility and the virtues of privatisation, the free market and free trade, it legitimised draconian policies designed to restore and consolidate capitalist class power.

—p.10 The Disruption (1) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

a term for the loans provided by the IMF and the World Bank to countries that experienced economic crises, which come with strings attached: privatisation and deregulation, mainly (the conditions are also known as the Washington Consensus)


IMF 'structural adjustment programs', which mandated austerity in order to pay back the banks, thereafter proliferated around the world.

—p.19 The Disruption (1) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

IMF 'structural adjustment programs', which mandated austerity in order to pay back the banks, thereafter proliferated around the world.

—p.19 The Disruption (1) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

(noun) a ceremonial feast of the American Indians of the northwest coast marked by the host's lavish distribution of gifts or sometimes destruction of property to demonstrate wealth and generosity with the expectation of eventual reciprocation / (noun) a social event or celebration / (verb) to give (as a gift) especially with the expectation of a gift in return / (verb) to hold or give a potlatch for (as a tribe or group) / (verb) to hold or give a potlatch


What anthropologists refer to as the 'potlach' in non-capitalist societies, for example, confers prestige on those who give away, renounce or in some instances even outright destroy, through elaborate ceremonies, the material possessions they have accumulated

—p.44 Capital Assembled (40) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

What anthropologists refer to as the 'potlach' in non-capitalist societies, for example, confers prestige on those who give away, renounce or in some instances even outright destroy, through elaborate ceremonies, the material possessions they have accumulated

—p.44 Capital Assembled (40) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

(in the context of capitalist crisis) avoiding the low-growth phase problem by exporting manufacturing to places with cheaper labour, thereby raising profits for a while


The primary objective is to overcome any possible blockage to the free circulation of capital across the world market. This opens up the possibility of cascading 'spatial fixes' to the capital surplus absorption problem.

—p.50 Capital Assembled (40) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

The primary objective is to overcome any possible blockage to the free circulation of capital across the world market. This opens up the possibility of cascading 'spatial fixes' to the capital surplus absorption problem.

—p.50 Capital Assembled (40) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

pertaining to Karl Marx and ideas he explicitly explored in his writings; differs from Marxist in that the latter includes ideas developed by others in the same vein of thought


the class struggle between capital and labour typically privileged in Marxian theory

—p.56 Capital Assembled (40) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

the class struggle between capital and labour typically privileged in Marxian theory

—p.56 Capital Assembled (40) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

a economic theory relating to the origin of capital (Adam Smith saw it as a peaceful process with natural imbalances in wealth distribution; Karl Marx saw it as a violent enclosure of the commons etc etc)


Marx's account of so-called 'primitive accumulation' may be overdramatised and oversimpified but its essential truth is undeniable. Somehow or other the mass of a population has been put in a position of having to work for capital in order to live.

—p.58 Capital Goes to Work (58) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

Marx's account of so-called 'primitive accumulation' may be overdramatised and oversimpified but its essential truth is undeniable. Somehow or other the mass of a population has been put in a position of having to work for capital in order to live.

—p.58 Capital Goes to Work (58) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

among other things


The state becomes involved, inter alia, when it comes to immigration and labour laws

—p.59 Capital Goes to Work (58) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

The state becomes involved, inter alia, when it comes to immigration and labour laws

—p.59 Capital Goes to Work (58) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

a proposed economic phenomenon whereby profits decrease over time (as monopolistic forces decline), in a cycle; phases: expansion, stagnation, and recession


it has long been argued that there are so-called 'long waves' or 'Kondratieff cycles' lasting on average fifty years in capitalist developmental history based upon tehcnological innovations

he thinks the theory is incomplete (doesn't account for cultural/organisational shifts?)

—p.96 Creative Destruction on the Land (84) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

it has long been argued that there are so-called 'long waves' or 'Kondratieff cycles' lasting on average fifty years in capitalist developmental history based upon tehcnological innovations

he thinks the theory is incomplete (doesn't account for cultural/organisational shifts?)

—p.96 Creative Destruction on the Land (84) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

(adjective) affording a general view of a whole / (adjective) manifesting or characterized by comprehensiveness or breadth of view / (adjective) presenting or taking the same or common view


A synoptic view of the current crisis would say

—p.118 Capital Goes to Market (106) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

A synoptic view of the current crisis would say

—p.118 Capital Goes to Market (106) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

(noun) a detached living portion of a plant (as a bud or shoot) joined to a stock in grafting and usually supplying solely aerial parts to a graft / (noun) descendant child / (noun) a descendant of a wealthy, aristocratic, or influential family / (noun) heir


many of whom, like the Rockefeller brothers, were scions of the capitalist class

—p.130 Capital Evolves (119) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago

many of whom, like the Rockefeller brothers, were scions of the capitalist class

—p.130 Capital Evolves (119) by David Harvey
7 years, 6 months ago