(noun) a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested / (noun) temporary inactivity; suspension
the mind putting the 'understanding' into abeyance
the mind putting the 'understanding' into abeyance
(adjective) marked by dullness and drabness
high above the dun currents of the prosaic
high above the dun currents of the prosaic
(noun) the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment
a stupid, awkward, or unlucky person
the piles of intellectual slack which truss these schlemiels like babies
the piles of intellectual slack which truss these schlemiels like babies
(adjective) marked with small spots or patches contrasting with the background
We begin the obituary in laughter and end it in tears, in a sublime dapple of emotions
We begin the obituary in laughter and end it in tears, in a sublime dapple of emotions
(adjective) of, relating to, or characterized by play; playful
the artist's quizzical and ludic force
the artist's quizzical and ludic force
relating to or characteristic of an elegy.
Bellow is using detail not to persuade us of the existence of something but almost the opposite - to confirm its absence. Realism is elegiac, a branch of consciousness
Bellow is using detail not to persuade us of the existence of something but almost the opposite - to confirm its absence. Realism is elegiac, a branch of consciousness
fond of sensuous luxury or pleasure; self-indulgent (derives from the Greek city Sybaris)
his body: simple, broad, sybaritic, and rather too light-footed
his body: simple, broad, sybaritic, and rather too light-footed
(noun) the process of exact thinking; reasoning / (noun) a reasoned train of thought
sermonising ratiocination
sermonising ratiocination
The act of offering something, such as worship or thanks, to a deity. 2. Oblation. a. The act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist.
red hats become oblatory fires for Franz Joseph
red hats become oblatory fires for Franz Joseph