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when a word or phrase has multiple meanings (from Greek)


The idea that populism works when regarded as a certain kind of rhetoric, applied in different ways in different situations, is appealing—but in truth, merely registers its polysemy and returns it to sender.

—p.8 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

The idea that populism works when regarded as a certain kind of rhetoric, applied in different ways in different situations, is appealing—but in truth, merely registers its polysemy and returns it to sender.

—p.8 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical texts, wisdom literature, and philosophical texts


it is above all a useful hermeneutic tool for identifying and characterizing those political parties that accuse their opponents of populism

—p.8 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

it is above all a useful hermeneutic tool for identifying and characterizing those political parties that accuse their opponents of populism

—p.8 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

(noun) a eulogistic oration or writing / (noun) formal or elaborate praise


went on to write an extended panegyric, before arriving at his real political objective

—p.10 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

went on to write an extended panegyric, before arriving at his real political objective

—p.10 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

(verb) to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently; rail


Le Peuple inveighs against those well-born writers who deign to leave their salons only to describe the tiny minority of delinquents that permits them to reinforce the police

—p.10 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

Le Peuple inveighs against those well-born writers who deign to leave their salons only to describe the tiny minority of delinquents that permits them to reinforce the police

—p.10 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

songs of praise or triumph; things that expresses enthusiastic praise


It was entitled Le Peuple and offered a romantic paean to its subject.

—p.10 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

It was entitled Le Peuple and offered a romantic paean to its subject.

—p.10 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

(adjective) not capable of being atoned for / (adjective) implacable unappeasable


Be assured, France will never bear any name but one in the mind of Europe; that inexpiable name, which is also its true and eternal one—the Revolution

quoting Jules Michelet in Le Peuple

—p.10 Populism without the People (5) missing author
7 years, 7 months ago

Be assured, France will never bear any name but one in the mind of Europe; that inexpiable name, which is also its true and eternal one—the Revolution

quoting Jules Michelet in Le Peuple

—p.10 Populism without the People (5) missing author
7 years, 7 months ago

an old car in a dilapidated condition


'scrapping’ the current leadership of his Democratic Party, relegating it to the role of an old jalopy

—p.14 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

'scrapping’ the current leadership of his Democratic Party, relegating it to the role of an old jalopy

—p.14 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

(noun) preponderant influence or authority over others; domination / (noun) the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group


His view of populism has been hegemonic in political science ever since.

Richard Hofstadter, who gave a keynote lecture at a 1967 conference at LSE on populism

—p.19 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

His view of populism has been hegemonic in political science ever since.

Richard Hofstadter, who gave a keynote lecture at a 1967 conference at LSE on populism

—p.19 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

(noun) a vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler


Not for nothing is the plebiscite, the institution most closely associated with populism—populists are regarded as quintessential supporters of ‘plebiscitary democracy’—the only one that retains a clear trace of its ‘plebeian’ origin (plebs: common people; scitum: decree)

—p.20 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

Not for nothing is the plebiscite, the institution most closely associated with populism—populists are regarded as quintessential supporters of ‘plebiscitary democracy’—the only one that retains a clear trace of its ‘plebeian’ origin (plebs: common people; scitum: decree)

—p.20 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

the ideology and thinking of French revolutionary syndicalist Georges Sorel: anti-individualist, anti-liberal, anti-materialist, anti-positivist, anti-rationalist, spiritualist syndicalism


the influence of Sorel in Serge's anarcho-syndicalist formation: the Sorelian notion of a moral elite, alien in Marxism, informed his belief that the direction of history 'depends to a very large extent on the calibre of individual human beings'

—p.30 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago

the influence of Sorel in Serge's anarcho-syndicalist formation: the Sorelian notion of a moral elite, alien in Marxism, informed his belief that the direction of history 'depends to a very large extent on the calibre of individual human beings'

—p.30 Populism without the People (5) by Marco D'Eramo
7 years, 7 months ago