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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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"master folk", i.e., the German nation as considered by the Nazis to be innately superior to others; also used in 19th century discourse that justified colonialism with the racial superiority of Europeans; results in a system of government in which only the majority ethnic group participates in government, while minority groups are disenfranchised


Obama shunned a New Deal, and now a reactionary is riding into office promising the Herrenvolk version.

—p.13 Steve Bannon's Autobahn (11) by Connor Kilpatrick
7 years, 8 months ago

Obama shunned a New Deal, and now a reactionary is riding into office promising the Herrenvolk version.

—p.13 Steve Bannon's Autobahn (11) by Connor Kilpatrick
7 years, 8 months ago

the opposite or counterpart of a fact or truth; the side of a coin or medal bearing the head or principal design


liberalism and the Democratic Party in no way represents the left-wing obverse of conservatism and the GOP. And liberals, deep down in their hearts, understand this. They have no true ideological counterpoint--no real program and certainly no vision for changing society for the better.

—p.13 Steve Bannon's Autobahn (11) by Connor Kilpatrick
7 years, 8 months ago

liberalism and the Democratic Party in no way represents the left-wing obverse of conservatism and the GOP. And liberals, deep down in their hearts, understand this. They have no true ideological counterpoint--no real program and certainly no vision for changing society for the better.

—p.13 Steve Bannon's Autobahn (11) by Connor Kilpatrick
7 years, 8 months ago

aka the National Labor Relations Act of 1935; a foundational statute of US labor law which guarantees basic rights of private sector employees to organize into trade unions, engage in collective bargaining for better terms and conditions at work, and take collective action including strike if necessary


liberalism's most popular quasi-social-democratic achievements--Social Security, Medicare, the Wagner Act

—p.13 Steve Bannon's Autobahn (11) by Connor Kilpatrick
7 years, 8 months ago

liberalism's most popular quasi-social-democratic achievements--Social Security, Medicare, the Wagner Act

—p.13 Steve Bannon's Autobahn (11) by Connor Kilpatrick
7 years, 8 months ago

(noun) an intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpose


he's seamlessly assembled a coterie of corporate bosses into his transition team

—p.15 The Trump Way (15) by Jacobin
7 years, 8 months ago

he's seamlessly assembled a coterie of corporate bosses into his transition team

—p.15 The Trump Way (15) by Jacobin
7 years, 8 months ago

(noun) the act of performing more than is required by duty, obligation, or need


the United States might have seemed to many a conservative country, making the founding of the magazine an act of “supererogation,” as the Catholic reactionary put it, in fact it was anything but: it was a bold counterstroke against liberal hegemony.

—p.28 From Margins to Mainstream (23) by Doug Henwood
7 years, 8 months ago

the United States might have seemed to many a conservative country, making the founding of the magazine an act of “supererogation,” as the Catholic reactionary put it, in fact it was anything but: it was a bold counterstroke against liberal hegemony.

—p.28 From Margins to Mainstream (23) by Doug Henwood
7 years, 8 months ago

(noun) the lower middle class including especially small shopkeepers and artisans


Continuing the provincial petit bourgeois theme, Goldwater was the grandson of the founder of a five-outlet department store chain

on Barry Goldwater

—p.28 From Margins to Mainstream (23) by Doug Henwood
7 years, 8 months ago

Continuing the provincial petit bourgeois theme, Goldwater was the grandson of the founder of a five-outlet department store chain

on Barry Goldwater

—p.28 From Margins to Mainstream (23) by Doug Henwood
7 years, 8 months ago

(especially in Marxist theory) a way of thinking that prevents a person from perceiving the true nature of their social or economic situation (esp used to mislead members of the proletariat about their own exploitation)


Historically, many on the Left have treated working-class support for the Right as a form of false consciousness. Capital’s control of the means of ideological production (the media) allow them to distort workers’ thinking.

—p.47 How the Donald Came to Rule (41) by Charlie Post
7 years, 8 months ago

Historically, many on the Left have treated working-class support for the Right as a form of false consciousness. Capital’s control of the means of ideological production (the media) allow them to distort workers’ thinking.

—p.47 How the Donald Came to Rule (41) by Charlie Post
7 years, 8 months ago

a slogan refering to globalization popularised by Margaret Thatcher; means that the market economy is the only system that works, and that debate about this is over


Now that neoliberalism has conquered its old enemies and won its world wars, its adherents have transformed from radical pioneers into conservative defenders of the status quo. “There is no alternative” sounds less like the battle cry of uncompromising reformers and more like the plea of an embattled caste.

—p.77 Stand Down Margaret (77) by Jacobin
7 years, 8 months ago

Now that neoliberalism has conquered its old enemies and won its world wars, its adherents have transformed from radical pioneers into conservative defenders of the status quo. “There is no alternative” sounds less like the battle cry of uncompromising reformers and more like the plea of an embattled caste.

—p.77 Stand Down Margaret (77) by Jacobin
7 years, 8 months ago

assistance and support in times of hardship and distress


as Barber says, Trump gives "succor to the demagogues-in-waiting" like Le Pen.

Financial Times editor Lionel Barber

—p.114 The Glory Days Are Over (107) by Nicole Aschoff
7 years, 8 months ago

as Barber says, Trump gives "succor to the demagogues-in-waiting" like Le Pen.

Financial Times editor Lionel Barber

—p.114 The Glory Days Are Over (107) by Nicole Aschoff
7 years, 8 months ago