an old car in a dilapidated condition
Pilar had expected jalopies and wood-fenced fruit trucks, but they were rare.
Pilar had expected jalopies and wood-fenced fruit trucks, but they were rare.
(noun) a protective covering (as of sawdust, compost, or paper) spread or left on the ground to reduce evaporation, maintain even soil temperature, prevent erosion, control weeds, enrich the soil, or keep fruit (as strawberries) clean
to follow the still-curved glass away from the mulching glass
to follow the still-curved glass away from the mulching glass
the Spanish word for a public market or any kind of market
The woman at the mercado
The woman at the mercado
(noun) a pin fitting into a hole in an abutting piece to prevent motion or slipping / (noun) a round rod or stick used especially for cutting up into dowels / (noun) a piece of wood driven into a wall so that other pieces can be nailed to it
Her arms seemed so thin, like narrow dowels being pushed through syrup.
Her arms seemed so thin, like narrow dowels being pushed through syrup.
(noun) any of several usually low-growing fan-leaved palms (meaning "little palm" in Spanish)
cobblestone paths winding around willows and palmettos
cobblestone paths winding around willows and palmettos
a citrus fruit hybrid of tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit
uneaten tapioca and two tangelos
uneaten tapioca and two tangelos
(adjective) deserving to be execrated; detestable / (adjective) very bad; wretched
I drove faster. She was execrable.
I drove faster. She was execrable.
(noun) a skin disorder manifested by smooth white spots on various parts of the body
traveling from place to place, especially working or based in various places for relatively short periods
she feared he would use the word peripatetic, and soon enough he did
she feared he would use the word peripatetic, and soon enough he did
(noun) a fissile rock that is formed by the consolidation of clay, mud, or silt, has a finely stratified or laminated structure, and is composed of minerals essentially unaltered since deposition / (noun) a crude dark oil obtained from oil shale by heating / (noun) a rock (as shale) from which oil can be recovered by distillation
through a field of shale
through a field of shale