to disarm an alarm system by creating a new circuit for the electricity
according to a retired buglary detective
according to a retired buglary detective
(adj, especially of someone's face) having a ruddy complexion; high-colored
uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a man
triggering Orin's own satyriasis
triggering Orin's own satyriasis
an alarm bell or signal (from Old French)
"Sad" became the tocsin ringing through the piece, sadness as the consequence of too much plenty:
"Sad" became the tocsin ringing through the piece, sadness as the consequence of too much plenty:
an unfilled space; a gap (plural: lacunae)
About the holes and lacunae and etc.
About the holes and lacunae and etc.
Italian for "the better craftsman"; from the dedication to Ezra Pound in T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land; itself a quote from Dante's Divine Comedy
The party, he told his miglior fabbro
The party, he told his miglior fabbro
the house occupied by a minister of a Presbyterian church OR an informal way of referring to someone's house
horses in the yard of the doctor's manse next door
horses in the yard of the doctor's manse next door
(North American) a person of integrity and honor
as a critic who cares deeply about 'serious' art, and as a mensch
quote from a review of Supposedly
as a critic who cares deeply about 'serious' art, and as a mensch
quote from a review of Supposedly
(borrowed from French) a comment or brief reference that makes an illuminating or entertaining point
others almost metaphysical aperçus about the hazy intersection of cognition and the world
others almost metaphysical aperçus about the hazy intersection of cognition and the world
relating to stone and gems and the work involved in engraving, cutting, or polishing
I feel nothing lapidary inside.
I feel nothing lapidary inside.