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Chapter 7

"Roars and Hisses"


back from the IJ tour; Supposedly is published; BI is published; starts seriously thinking about the IRS as the subject of TPK; does more journalistic stuff; leaves ISU for Pomona

Max, D. (2012). Chapter 7. In Max, D. Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace. Viking, pp. 227-267

the house occupied by a minister of a Presbyterian church OR an informal way of referring to someone's house


horses in the yard of the doctor's manse next door

—p.227 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 9 months ago

horses in the yard of the doctor's manse next door

—p.227 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 9 months ago

(North American) a person of integrity and honor


as a critic who cares deeply about 'serious' art, and as a mensch

quote from a review of Supposedly

—p.229 missing author
7 years, 9 months ago

as a critic who cares deeply about 'serious' art, and as a mensch

quote from a review of Supposedly

—p.229 missing author
7 years, 9 months ago

(borrowed from French) a comment or brief reference that makes an illuminating or entertaining point


others almost metaphysical aperçus about the hazy intersection of cognition and the world

—p.235 by D.T. Max
7 years, 9 months ago

others almost metaphysical aperçus about the hazy intersection of cognition and the world

—p.235 by D.T. Max
7 years, 9 months ago

relating to stone and gems and the work involved in engraving, cutting, or polishing


I feel nothing lapidary inside.

—p.238 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 9 months ago

I feel nothing lapidary inside.

—p.238 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 9 months ago

atone for (guilt or sin)


To expiate the burden

—p.239 by D.T. Max
7 years, 9 months ago

To expiate the burden

—p.239 by D.T. Max
7 years, 9 months ago

the process of making a revision or correction to a text


He sent DeLillo a holiday card with the emendation

—p.250 by D.T. Max
7 years, 9 months ago

He sent DeLillo a holiday card with the emendation

—p.250 by D.T. Max
7 years, 9 months ago

in Aristotle's definition of rhetoric: the means of persuasion, divided between the atechnic (inartistic) and entechnic (artistic)


from neurology to politics to Aristotelian pisteis to Jaussian Kritik to stuff like etiquette and clothing fashions

—p.250 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 9 months ago

from neurology to politics to Aristotelian pisteis to Jaussian Kritik to stuff like etiquette and clothing fashions

—p.250 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 9 months ago

an ecumenical Christian program whose goal is to "bring God from the head to the heart"


[...] his expectation he could have things both ways, pursuing the questionable tactic of writing cleverly to assert the superiority of sincerity in a world wedded to cleverness. Scott also accused Wallace of fencing off all possible objections to his work by making sure every possible criticism was already embedded in the text. Brief Interviews, especially, the critic wrote, was not so much anti-ironic as "meta-ironic," driven much like the characters in its stories by the fear of being known. This sort of writing, he continued, was clearly connected to the self-centered self-absorbed culture of late twentieth-century America, but "does Wallace's work represent an unusually trenchant critique of that culture or one of its most florid and exotic symptoms? Of course, there can only be one answer: it's both." Wallace was not pleased but he was impressed. In the margins of a draft of the story "Good Old Neon," which he began around this time, he noted (punningly), "AO Scott saw into my character."

idea for a fake review lol

—p.255 by D.T. Max 7 years, 9 months ago

[...] his expectation he could have things both ways, pursuing the questionable tactic of writing cleverly to assert the superiority of sincerity in a world wedded to cleverness. Scott also accused Wallace of fencing off all possible objections to his work by making sure every possible criticism was already embedded in the text. Brief Interviews, especially, the critic wrote, was not so much anti-ironic as "meta-ironic," driven much like the characters in its stories by the fear of being known. This sort of writing, he continued, was clearly connected to the self-centered self-absorbed culture of late twentieth-century America, but "does Wallace's work represent an unusually trenchant critique of that culture or one of its most florid and exotic symptoms? Of course, there can only be one answer: it's both." Wallace was not pleased but he was impressed. In the margins of a draft of the story "Good Old Neon," which he began around this time, he noted (punningly), "AO Scott saw into my character."

idea for a fake review lol

—p.255 by D.T. Max 7 years, 9 months ago

disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way


he was named as one of the louche uncles

—p.265 by D.T. Max
7 years, 9 months ago

he was named as one of the louche uncles

—p.265 by D.T. Max
7 years, 9 months ago