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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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Corbyn and the Future of Labour: A Verso Report

? (2016). Corbyn and the Future of Labour: A Verso Report. Verso Books.

Verso Books, 2016. 222 pages. ebook. 9781786633767

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hegemony »
(noun) preponderant influence or authority over o…
Hayekian »
pertaining to the economic theories of Friedrich …
neoliberalism »
the postulate that markets are organised most eff…
hegemony »
(noun) preponderant influence or authority over o…
Marxian »
pertaining to Karl Marx and ideas he explicitly e…
beyond winning state power
A fundamental flaw in UK left thinking for genera…
we have a movement to build
We have a movement to build. In the process, we m…
the liberal and the sociological models of politi…
The great difference between the liberal and the …
there is no middle ground
To imagine that Labour could overcome such odds b…
the only truly sovereign state
[...] Everybody knows that Britain has been a vas…


At the Dawn of the Corbyn Era (missing author)

by the Verso Editors

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At the Dawn of the Corbyn Era (missing author)

by the Verso Editors

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Labour’s Fabricated Anti-Semitism Crisis

ambivalent on this one. I came in expecting that the anti-Semitism stuff was all fabricated and left thinking, holy shit, maybe Labour DOES have an anti-Semitism problem (though whether it's worth than any other political party, I have no clue). I think the main thing I didn't realise is just how strong anti-Semitism seems to in the UK in the first place, and I guess I haven't been steeped in that sort of culture enough to really understand why (like honestly I don't understand why, pls help)

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Labour’s Fabricated Anti-Semitism Crisis

ambivalent on this one. I came in expecting that the anti-Semitism stuff was all fabricated and left thinking, holy shit, maybe Labour DOES have an anti-Semitism problem (though whether it's worth than any other political party, I have no clue). I think the main thing I didn't realise is just how strong anti-Semitism seems to in the UK in the first place, and I guess I haven't been steeped in that sort of culture enough to really understand why (like honestly I don't understand why, pls help)

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The Labour Right’s Year of Misery

the financial crisis and the role of the Labour Right in paving the way for it + hampering our recovery. an attempted coup on Corbyn

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The Labour Right’s Year of Misery

the financial crisis and the role of the Labour Right in paving the way for it + hampering our recovery. an attempted coup on Corbyn

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The Question of Leadership

on the two main perspectives of what politics is: as marketing (within a narrow scope of possible policies and potential candidates), and as social change determined by the power of various social groups within the populace

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The Question of Leadership

on the two main perspectives of what politics is: as marketing (within a narrow scope of possible policies and potential candidates), and as social change determined by the power of various social groups within the populace

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Recruit, Re-Tweet, Renationalise

proposals for building left hegemony with a focus on new media

  1. campus recruitment program focused on CS depts (GradLAB) to build digital tools for the party
  2. annual NetrootsUK events
  3. professionalise new media journalists/writers within the party? not sure (mentions Paul Mason, Owen Jones, Laurie Penny etc). basically influencers lol. Labour should offer them training and certification (don't know if I agree with the last bit)
  4. establish LabourLAB (incubator for new media and tech ideas)
  5. hire a party CTO
  6. hire a new media head (under CTO)
  7. create crowdfunding/donation website (BeRed), like the dems' ActBlue
  8. create new media advisory board
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Recruit, Re-Tweet, Renationalise

proposals for building left hegemony with a focus on new media

  1. campus recruitment program focused on CS depts (GradLAB) to build digital tools for the party
  2. annual NetrootsUK events
  3. professionalise new media journalists/writers within the party? not sure (mentions Paul Mason, Owen Jones, Laurie Penny etc). basically influencers lol. Labour should offer them training and certification (don't know if I agree with the last bit)
  4. establish LabourLAB (incubator for new media and tech ideas)
  5. hire a party CTO
  6. hire a new media head (under CTO)
  7. create crowdfunding/donation website (BeRed), like the dems' ActBlue
  8. create new media advisory board
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