Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


You added a vocabulary term
8 months ago


there is something comforting about being swathed in all that grand Goodman gabardine

—p.531 by Charlie Kaufman
You added a note
8 months ago

an odd, diffuse, almost useless light

It is exceedingly dark though. I have the flashlight on my new iPhone, but it produces an odd, diffuse, almost useless light. When I was a young man, flashlights did their jobs and illuminated the dark, not just small-print menus in dimly lit restaurants. It was a different and heady time. I point …

—p.530 by Charlie Kaufman
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8 months ago

we understand each other’s predicament

I fall into an open personhole.

As I am climbing out, a car parks on top of the hole. I call up to the driver, explain my predicament. He hears me but refuses to give up the spot, even briefly. He’d been driving around for a half an hour looking for a place to park, he yells down to me. I do und…

—p.529 by Charlie Kaufman
You added a note
8 months ago

which one of us is the clown here?

AND SO IT goes. He lies and lies and lies about the film for well over an hour. Clearly, he has not seen it. He has made up a film that is by definition antithetical to Ingo’s concept, antithetical to Ingo’s artistic mission. I have been thrust into a waking nightmare, but I hold my tongue until th…

—p.502 by Charlie Kaufman
You added a note
8 months ago

no, I like the cheese in my beard

AT BARASSINI’S, THE annoying, overbearingly concerned Tsai hovers and clucks on and on about my poor head. It’s unbearable. No, I don’t need an ice pack. No, I don’t need her to take me to the emergency room. No, I don’t need two aspirin. Or some tea. Or water. No, I like the cheese in my beard. …

—p.442 by Charlie Kaufman