less Neal Stephenson
Engineers can be so smart about code, and yet so dense about human motivations. They'd be better served by reading less Neal Stephenson and more Shakespeare and Patricia Highsmith.
Engineers can be so smart about code, and yet so dense about human motivations. They'd be better served by reading less Neal Stephenson and more Shakespeare and Patricia Highsmith.
[...] In one year in Facebook Ads, I had seen the famously micromanage-y founder and CEO in the Ads area precisely once: when he was walking around the building in a circle to get in his ten thousand daily steps. [...]
[...] An adjoining minikitchen, like so many that littered the campus, stocked plenty of lemon-lime Gatorade, Zuck's official beverage.
[...] some of the attractiveness of Wallace's difficult works to an Occupy generation should be attributed to his understanding of the dire emotional consequences of a cultural environment in which value has been emptied out and financialization made ascendant, a world in which the most plentiful r…
[...] Neither is Wallace exceedingly interested in commodities' production, the class structure that leads to them, and all the elements of the Marxist critique underlying so much of U.S. postmodernism. His bounty is different.