Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 4 months ago

all the troubles in the world were caused by men

[...] In her disappointment with him, she idealized the truly wealthy, attributing improbable virtues to them. She'd cashed in her youth and her looks for life in a cramped three-bedroom house with a tin-pot progressive too good and kind to be divorced, and in her rage against her stupid-innocence …

—p.340 Purity le1o9n8a0rd (315) by Jonathan Franzen
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7 years, 4 months ago

preyed upon

[...] He put his hand on her upper thigh and left it there. Pretty much every thought she'd had in the last week had led back to one thing. She was experiencing stronger symptoms of being in love, a queasiness more persistent, a heart more racing, than she remembered having ad with Stephen. But the…

—p.284 Moonglow Dairy (239) by Jonathan Franzen
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7 years, 4 months ago


"There's this imperative to keep secrets, and the imperative to have them known. How do you know that you're a person, distinct from other people? By keeping certain things to yourself. You guard them inside you, because, if you don't, there's no distinction between inside and outside. Secrets are …

—p.275 Moonglow Dairy (239) by Jonathan Franzen
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7 years, 4 months ago

all the unspecial characters project/dystopian-fiction

"They're all about being the special one, the chosen one. 'Only you can save the world from Evil.' That kind of thing. And never mind that specialness stops meaning anything when every kid is special. I remember watching those movies and thinking about all the unspecial characters in the chorus or …

—p.269 Moonglow Dairy (239) by Jonathan Franzen
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7 years, 4 months ago

Moonglow Dairy

"There was this place," she said. "This dairy called Moonglow Dairy, near where I lived when I was growing up. I guessit was a real dairy, because they had a lot of cows, but their real money didn't come from selling milk. It came from selling high-quality manure to organic farmers. It was a shit f…

—p.257 Moonglow Dairy (239) by Jonathan Franzen