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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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7 years, 4 months ago

factors in rising inequality archive/dissertation archive/so478

  • globalisation
  • technological change (information and communications technology)
  • growth of financial services
  • changing pay norms
  • reduced role of trade unions
  • scaling back of the redistributive tax-and-transfer policy

[...] we risk creating the impression that inequality is rising …

—p.82 Inequality: What Can Be Done? The Economics of Inequality (82) by Anthony B. Atkinson
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7 years, 4 months ago

decline in inequality vs growth in Latin America

With the qualification that we have insufficient information about incomes at the top, we see in Latin America an episode of falling inequality that extends over a wide range of countries. [...] "there is no clear link between the decline in inequality and economic growth. Inequality has declined i…

—p.79 Learning from History (45) by Anthony B. Atkinson
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7 years, 4 months ago

unemployment and inequality archive/so478

From this account, it is clear that the relationship between unemployment and inequality is an intricate one [...] Nonetheless, involuntary unemployment is of concern in its own right, and for this reason alone it receives considerable attention in what follows. Unemployment, and attendant job prec…

—p.77 Learning from History (45) by Anthony B. Atkinson
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7 years, 4 months ago

the role of women in post-war inequality

[...] in the labour market "the most important change was the influx of women into the job market, particularly of married women with children." In 1947, one-fifth (22 per cent) or married women (living with their husbands) were in the paid labour force; thirty years later, the figure was close to …

—p.59 Learning from History (45) by Anthony B. Atkinson
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7 years, 4 months ago

consumption vs income inequality

The choice between consumption and income depends on the purpose of the analysis. In the case of poverty measurement, the answer depends on which of two different conceptions we espouse. The first concept is concerned with the standard of living; the second concept is concerned with the _right to…

—p.35 Setting the Scene (9) by Anthony B. Atkinson