Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 4 months ago

white readers and colorblindness

[...] In the high style, one's loves never seem partial or personal, or even like "loves", because white novelists are not white novelists but simply "novelists," and white characters are not white characters but simply "human," and criticism of both is not partial or personal but a matter of aesth…

—p.12 Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays Their Eyes Were Watching God: What Does Soulful Mean? (3) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

"Blackness" as "Frenchness"

[...] "Blackness", as she understood it and wrote about it, is as natural and inevitable and complete to her as, say, "Frenchness" is to Flaubert. It is also as complicated, as full of blessings and curses. One can be no more removed from it than from one's arm, but it is no more the total measure …

—p.11 Their Eyes Were Watching God: What Does Soulful Mean? (3) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

not by my melanin count

[...] It is not the Black Female Literary Tradition that makes Hurston great. It is Hurston herself. Zora Neale Hurston--capable of expressing human vulnerability as well as its strength, lyrical without sentiment, romantic and yet rigorous and one of the few truly eloquent writers of sex--is as ex…

—p.9 Their Eyes Were Watching God: What Does Soulful Mean? (3) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

my objection to the love tribulations of women

Above all, I had to let go of my objection to the love tribulations of women. The story of Janie's progress through three marriages confronts the reader with the significant idea that the choice one makes between partners, between one man and another (or one woman and another) stretches beyond roma…

—p.6 Their Eyes Were Watching God: What Does Soulful Mean? (3) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

You're Jack Dorsey?

"I might be able to do something about that," Dick said, understanding the man's plight. "I'm the CEO of Twitter."

The cabbie turned around with an excited look on his face and said, "Whoa! You're Jack Dorsey?"

—p.287 Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal DICK (273) by Nick Bilton