Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 4 months ago

"Change is possible." project/dystopian-fiction

[...] a story that in book form was an act of fury and lit a fire under the Thatcher-era kids who read it. Its message was not "Blow up the Houses of Parliament" or "Wear a white mask and knife people," for kids are not morons and understand what an allegory is. The message of V for Vendetta is "…

—p.207 Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays At the Multiplex, 2006 (179) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

unconsummated love

Lean's sad, buttoned-up account of unconsummated love is about all of us and our cautious natures. It's not that the English don't want true love or self-knowledge. Rather unlike our European cousins, we will not easily give up the real for the dream. We remain skeptical about throwing away a concr…

—p.193 At the Multiplex, 2006 (179) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

its echo is silent project/high-castle

[...] "I did it for my family" is the most repeated line in this film. Its echo is silent, yet you can't help hearing it: what would you do for yours?

—p.188 At the Multiplex, 2006 (179) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

the wafting cherry blossom

This is no fault of the actress herself, whose comeliness is as self-evident and insistent as the wafting cherry blossom and the orange lanterns floating on pellucid water, the sumptuous silk of the kimono and the trimmed perfection of the formal gardens--all of which we are repeatedly encouraged t…

—p.181 At the Multiplex, 2006 (179) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

dappled in leafy light

They meet in the Borghese gardens, dappled in leafy light, the scene of a Shakespearean comedy.

—p.174 Notes on Visconti's Bellissima (166) by Zadie Smith