Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 4 months ago

Death Is Not The End why/dfw

[...] It's about as far from an autobiographical portrait of Wallace as one can imagine, but it's fueled with a disgust that feels somehow personal. Wallace was constitutionally hard on himself, apparently compelled to confess not only to who he was but to who he dreaded being or becoming. [...] he…

—p.289 Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays Brief Interviews with Hideous Men: The Difficult Gifts of David Foster Wallace (255) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

how do I recognize that other people are real why/dfw

There is a weird ambient sameness to Wallace's work. He was always asking essentially the same question. How do I recognize that other people are real, as I am? And the strange, quasi-mystical answer was always the same, too. You may have to give up your attachment to the "self." [...]

—p.289 Brief Interviews with Hideous Men: The Difficult Gifts of David Foster Wallace (255) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

our character that's being investigated why/dfw

[...] There are times when reading Wallace feels unbearable, and the weight of things stacked against the reader insurmountable: missing context, rhetorical complication, awful people, grotesque or absurd subject matter, language that is--at the same time!--childishly scatological and annoyingly ob…

—p.273 Brief Interviews with Hideous Men: The Difficult Gifts of David Foster Wallace (255) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

Brief Interviews as a counterweight

[...] Brief Interviews pitched itself as a counterweight to the narcotic qualities of contemporary life, and then went a step further. It questioned the Jamesian notion that fine awareness leads a prior to responsibility. It suggested that too much awareness--particularly self-awareness-has allow…

—p.266 Brief Interviews with Hideous Men: The Difficult Gifts of David Foster Wallace (255) by Zadie Smith
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7 years, 4 months ago

Wallace and Larkin why/dfw

It strikes me when I reread this beautiful story how poor we are at tracing literary antecedents, how often we assume too much and miss obvious echoes. Lazily we gather writers by nations, decades and fashions; we imagine Wallace the only son of DeLillo and Pynchon. In fact, Wallace had catholic ta…

—p.262 Brief Interviews with Hideous Men: The Difficult Gifts of David Foster Wallace (255) by Zadie Smith