Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 3 months ago

on trash fiction topic/literary-theory

[...] The writer of trash fiction, often with admirable craft, affords his customer a narrative structure and movement, and content that engages the reader--titillates, repulses, excites, transports him--without demanding of him any of the intellectual or spiritual or artistic responses that re…

—p.54 Both Flesh and Not: Essays Fictional Futures and the Conspicuously Young (37) by David Foster Wallace
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7 years, 3 months ago

on immortal characters

But now try to recall the last time you saw the "hero" die within his drama's narrative frame. [...] The natural consequences is that today's dramatic heroes tend to be "immortal" within the frame that makes them heroes and objects of identification [...] I claim that the fact that we are strongly …

—p.50 Fictional Futures and the Conspicuously Young (37) by David Foster Wallace
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7 years, 3 months ago

DFW's aversion to Ultraminimalism

[...] My own aversion to Ultraminimalism, I think, stems from its naive pretension. The Catatonic Bunch seem to feel that simply by inverting the values imposed on us by television, commercial film, advertising, etc., they can automatically achieve the aesthetic depth popular entertainment so consp…

—p.48 Fictional Futures and the Conspicuously Young (37) by David Foster Wallace
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7 years, 3 months ago

three types of Conspicuously Young fiction

(1) Neiman-Marcus Nihilism, declaimed via six-figure Uppies and their salon-tanned, morally vacant offspring, none of whom seem to be able to make it from limo door to analyst's couch without several grams of chemical encouragement;

(2) Catatonic Realism, a.k.a. Ultraminimalism, a.k.a. Bad Carve…

—p.39 Fictional Futures and the Conspicuously Young (37) by David Foster Wallace
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7 years, 3 months ago

on Wimbledon

[...] There's a peculiar mix of stodgy self-satisfaction and relentless self-promotion and -branding. It's a bit like the sort of authority figure whose office wall has ever last plaque, diploma, and award he's ever gotten, and every time you come into the office you're forced to look at the wall a…

—p.16 Federer Both Flesh and Not (5) by David Foster Wallace