Is there a whole which can teleologically justify and thus redeem or sublate an event such as the Holocaust?
Is there a whole which can teleologically justify and thus redeem or sublate an event such as the Holocaust?
[...] Perhaps, Nip/Tuck being an American series, this excess can be accounted for in the terms of the difference between Europe and the US. In Europe, the ground floor in a building is counted as 0, so that the floor above it is the first floor, while in the US, the first floor is at street level.…
[...] totalitarian regimes are by definition regimes of mercy: they tolerate violations of the law, since, in the way they frame social life, violating the law, bribing and cheating, are conditions of survival.
no longer Wagner as the poet of Teutonic mythology, of bombastic heroic grandeur
The key moment of any theoretical – and indeed ethical, political, and, as Badiou demonstrated, even aesthetic – struggle is the rise of universality out of the particular lifeworld. The commonplace according to which we are all thoroughly grounded in a particular, contingent lifeworld, so that a…